December 2008 - Database updated.
and caption mis-alignments in Keys and on Species pages in the back-end
database on the Museum's server were corrected.
to the synonymy of Parna apicalis were made to both the Museum
and this version. I am grateful to Rob Edmunds for bringing these
to my attention.
database on the Natural History Museum's server was updated to incorporate
these corrections and additions.
November 2008 - Museum website version went live
Museum website version went live on 11 November at www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/research/projects/british-insect-mines/index.html.
October - Coleoptera - Orchestes calceatus treated as a distinct
in Fauna
Europaea treats Orchestes
calceatus (Germar, 1821) as a junior synonym of Orchestes
testaceus (Müller, 1766) following Anderson (1989).
According to Morris in Duff (2008) Orchestes calceatus Germar,
1821 on Betula pubescens
is distinct from Orchestes testaceus (Müller, 1766)
on Alnus in Britain.
Ocotober - Coleoptera - More weevils added
more mining weevils, Orthochaetes
insignis, Rhamphus
subaeneus and Hadroplontus
litura have been added to the Checklist, Index and Species
pages along with their known host plants and distribution. I am
grateful to Michael Morris for drawing my attention to these ommisions.
[This data has yet to be updated on the Museum's website].
October - Coleoptera - Ceutorhynchus contractus added.
polyphagous British weevil, Ceutorhynchus
contractus (= minutus) has been added to the Checklist,
Index and Species pages and its known host plants (mainly Brassicaceae)
and distribution. I am grateful to Carl Farmer for drawing my attention
to this ommision.
October, 2008 - Diptera - additional host records added from British
host records for flies from British
Leafminers were added to this website.
September 2008 - Parasitoids and miners - missing original dates
of publication added
missing original dates of publication in the lists of parasitoids
and their miners and in miner species pages have been added.
September 2008 - Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium links added
to the Catalogue
of the Lepidoptera of Belgium, where they exist (187 of the
455 moths), have been added to the species pages on this website.
The species pages for Caryocolum
marmoreum and Spilonota
laricana have been updated with information from that source.
September 2008 - Interuption to NBN website and web services
the NBN Gateway website nor web services will be available on 29th
or 30th September, while NBN move the servers, and this could run
into the 1st October. In fact, they should be considered 'at risk'
for the whole week. NBN don't anticipate any problems but there
are a lot of interdependent tasks that all have to go right for
NBN to meet this schedule.
a consequence the NBN distribution maps embedded in this website
will not appear on species pages during the move and species pages
formerly with maps will take longer to download.
September 2008 - Data and images
data and images included in this website were submitted to Natural
History Museum, as an Access database, to make it available online
on the Museum's website next month.
to submission all Access data was checked and, where necessary,
updated. Most of the changes are host plants added to or removed
from the keys.
September 2008 - Host plant common names added - Coleoptera and
plant common names, where they exist, have been added to all species
pages of Coleoptera and Hymenoptera.
September 2008 - Host plant common names added - Lepidoptera
plant common names, where they exist, have been added to the remining
72 species pages of Lepidoptera alphabetically from Stigmella
aceris to Xenolechia
August 2008 - Host plant common names added - Lepidoptera
plant common names, where they exist, have been added to a further
79 species pages of Lepidoptera alphabetically from Phyllonorycter
acerifoliella to Stephensia
August 2008 - Host plant common names added - Lepidoptera
plant common names, where they exist, have been added to a further
84 species pages of Lepidoptera alphabetically from Elophila
nymphaeata to Phyllocnistis
August 2008 - Host plant common names added - Lepidoptera
plant common names, where they exist, have been added to a further
80 species pages of Lepidoptera alphabetically from Coleotechnites
piceaella to Elachista
August 2008 - Host plant common names added - Lepidoptera
plant common names, where they exist, have been added to 142 species
pages of Lepidoptera alphabetically from Acrocercops
brongniardella to Coleophora
August 2008 - Host plant common names added - Diptera
plant common names, where they exist, have been added to the remaining
228 species pages of Diptera alphabetically from Melanagromyza
aenea to Trypeta zoe.
August 2008 - Host plant common names added - Diptera
plant common names, where they exist, have been added to 154 species
pages of Diptera alphabetically from Chromatomyia
primulae to Liriomyza
August 2008 - Index to 'miner' species names added
list of all 'miner' species alphabetically by species name has been
added. This includes all genus/species combinations and junior synonyms
included on this website. For users unsure of the genus/species
combination or family assignment used on this website this should
provide a quicker way of locating 'miner' species.
July 2008 - Additional host plant images and links
host plant images have been added to the host plant pages and links
to host plant images have been added to the Scientific name and
Common name indexes.
July 2008 - Host plant common names added - Diptera
plant common names, where they exist, have been added to 152 species
pages of Diptera alphabetically from Acidia
cognata to Chromatomyia
July 2008 - Additional NBN Gateway grid maps - Diptera and Lepidoptera
additional 9 NBN Gateway grid maps, overlooked earlier, have been
embedded in species pages using iframes - Cerodontha
biseta, Cerodontha
bohemani, Liriomyza
infuscata, Melanagromyza
pubescens, Napomyza elegans,
Phytobia errans, Phytomyza
albipennis, Botanophila
striolata [Dptera], Cedestis
gysseleniella [Lepidoptera].
grid maps (where they exist - 74 of 76 species) have been embedded
in species pages using iframes (see below) for all
Coleophora species.
total number of NBN Gateway grid maps embedded in species pages
on this website is 693 out of the 970 species included here.
June 2008 - An additional British species of Coleoptera added
testaceus [Curculionidae], a leaf miner on Alnus
and Betula was added to this
June 2008 - Additional British species of Lepidoptera added
ramulicola [Gracillariidae] a stem
miner on Salix, a new species
described from Britain and Portugal,
was added to this site.
ulmifoliae [Bucculatricidae] a miner on Ulmus,
recorded new to Britain in 2006, was added to this site.
June 2008 - An additional British species of Hymenoptera added
apicalis [Tenthredinidae] a miner of Tilia,
recorded new in Britain in 2007 was added to this site.
June 2008 - National Leafmining Lepidoptera Scheme maps
links to the National Leafmining Lepidoptera Scheme maps in British leafminers (where they exist) have been added to species pages
for the Lepidoptera (202 0f 455).
National Leafmining Lepidoptera Scheme is run by Rob
Edmunds who welcomes your leafminer records. The maps, which
are gifs, are generated using Alan Morton's MapMate and include
a far greater number of records (currently nearly 160, 000) than
the NBN Gateway for the leafmining Lepidoptera.
June 2008 - NBN Gateway grid maps - Lepidoptera
grid maps (where they exist) have been embedded in species pages
using iframes (see below) for all Lepidoptera alphabetically except
Coleophora species.
June 2008 - NBN Gateway grid maps - Coleoptera and Hymenoptera
grid maps (where they exist) have been embedded in species pages
using iframes (see below) for Coleoptera (30 of 30 species) and
Hymenoptera (12 of 24 species).
June 2008 - NBN Gateway grid maps - Diptera
by Jim Bacon's article in NBNNews (Spring 2008, Issue 36) entitled
'NBN Distribution Maps Made Easy', grid maps (where they exist -
213 of 461 species) have been embedded in the relevant Diptera species
pages using iframes. Users should be aware that the maps are not
exhaustive and other records exist or probably exist for most species.
However, since the maps are dynamic, each time a new record is added
to the NBN Gateway the maps are automatically updated. The pages
on this website are currently generated using HTML without cascading
style sheets, so the font style and size of the text in the embedded
grid maps is different from the font style and size used for this
website. Once migrated to the Museum's website, font size and style
will be consistent.
note that if instead of an NBN grid map, an error message is diplayed
as follows:
results available
The National Biodiversity Network has not returned any results.
can occur if the taxon version key you supplied is incorrect or
if the service is currently unavailable.
reason will be that the NBN grid map service on Biological Records
Centre server is currently unavailable, as the taxon version keys
(the unique taxon codes used by NBN) have all been verified. You
should still be able to access the NBN interactive distribution
map from the link following the list of Vice Counties since this
is based on a different server.
June 2008 - NBN Gateway Watsonian Vice Counties - Lepidoptera - Phylloporia bistrigella to Xenolechia aethiops
distribution in Britain by Watsonian Vice County as listed in the
NBN Gateway
has been added for all remaining species of Lepidoptera where it
exists (91 of the 97 species). Links to the relevant NBN Gateway
interactive distribution map are included. External links to all
data providers are also included, in line with the Gateway
Terms and Conditions. Usage of such data reproduced on this
site is also subject to these Terms and Condition.
external links given in the 'Distribution in Britain' section on
this website for these Lepidoptera species to NBN Gateway distribution
maps have been updated to display the far more useful interactive
map rather than the grid map.
NBN Gateway external links given in the 'External Links' section
at the foot of each species page of these Lepidoptera on this website,
where it exists, on this website has been updated to display the
NBN Gateway search results for the taxon in question rather than
a distribution map. This allows other features (including taxonomic
information) on the NBN Gateway to be explored.
June 2008 - NBN Gateway Watsonian Vice Counties - Lepidoptera - Mompha lacteella to Phyllonorycter viminetorum
distribution in Britain by Watsonian Vice County as listed in the
NBN Gateway
has been added for all species of Lepidoptera alphabetically from
Mompha lacteella to Phyllonorycter viminetorum, where
it exists (83 of the 94 species). Links to the relevant NBN Gateway
interactive distribution map are included. External links to all
data providers are also included, in line with the Gateway
Terms and Conditions. Usage of such data reproduced on this
site is also subject to these Terms and Condition.
external links given in the 'Distribution in Britain' section on
this website for these Lepidoptera species to NBN Gateway distribution
maps have been updated to display the far more useful interactive
map rather than the grid map.
NBN Gateway external links given in the 'External Links' section
at the foot of each species page of these Lepidoptera on this website,
where it exists, on this website has been updated to display the
NBN Gateway search results for the taxon in question rather than
a distribution map. This allows other features (including taxonomic
information) on the NBN Gateway to be explored.
May 2008 - NBN Gateway Watsonian Vice Counties - Lepidoptera - Coleotechnites
piceaella to Lyonetia prunifoliella
distribution in Britain by Watsonian Vice County as listed in the
NBN Gateway
has been added for all species of Lepidoptera alphabetically from
Coleotechnites piceaella to Lyonetia prunifoliella,
where it exists (110 of the 123 species). Links to the relevant
NBN Gateway interactive distribution map are included. External
links to all data providers are also included, in line with the
Terms and Conditions. Usage of such data reproduced on this
site is also subject to these Terms and Condition.
external links given in the 'Distribution in Britain' section on
this website for these Lepidoptera species to NBN Gateway distribution
maps have been updated to display the far more useful interactive
map rather than the grid map.
NBN Gateway external links given in the 'External Links' section
at the foot of each species page of these Lepidoptera on this website,
where it exists, on this website has been updated to display the
NBN Gateway search results for the taxon in question rather than
a distribution map. This allows other features (including taxonomic
information) on the NBN Gateway to be explored.
May 2008 - NBN Gateway Watsonian Vice Counties - Lepidoptera - Acrocercops
brongniardella to Coleophora wockeella
distribution in Britain by Watsonian vice county as listed in the
NBN Gateway
has been added for all species of Lepidoptera alphabetically from
Acrocercops brongniardella to Coleophora wockeella,
where it exists (138 of the 141 species). Links to the relevant
NBN Gateway interactive distribution map are included. External
links to all data providers are also included, in line with the
Terms and Conditions. Usage of such data reproduced on this
site is also subject to these Terms and Condition.
external links given in the 'Distribution in Britain' section on
this website for these Lepidoptera species to NBN Gateway distribution
maps have been updated to display the far more useful interactive
map rather than the grid map.
NBN Gateway external links given in the 'External Links' section
at the foot of each species page of these Lepidoptera on this website,
where it exists, on this website has been updated to display the
NBN Gateway search results for the taxon in question rather than
a distribution map. This allows other features (including taxonomic
information) on the NBN Gateway to be explored.
May 2008 - NBN Gateway Watsonian Vice Counties - Hymenoptera
distribution in Britain by Watsonian vice county as listed in the
NBN Gateway
has been added for all species of Hymenoptera where it exists (12
of the 24 species of Hymenoptera). Links to the relevant NBN Gateway
interactive distribution map are included. External links to all
data providers are also included, in line with the Gateway
Terms and Conditions. Usage of such data reproduced on this
site is also subject to these Terms and Condition.
external links given in the 'Distribution in Britain' section on
this website for Hymenoptera species to NBN Gateway distribution
maps have been updated to display the far more useful interactive
map rather than the grid map.
NBN Gateway external links given in the 'External Links' section
at the foot of each species page of Hymenoptera, where it exists
on this website, has been updated to display the NBN Gateway search
results for the taxon in question rather than a distribution map.
This allows other features (including taxonomic information) on
the NBN Gateway to be explored.
May 2008 - - NBN Gateway Watsonian Vice Counties - Diptera and Coleoptera
distribution in Britain by Watsonian vice county as listed in the
NBN Gateway
has been added for all species of Diptera and Coleoptera where it
exists (213 of the 461 species of Diptera; 30 of 30 species of Coleoptera).
to the relevamt NBN Gateway interactive distribution map are included.
External links to all data providers are also included, in line
with the Gateway
Terms and Conditions. Usage of such data reproduced on this
site is also subject to these Terms and Condition.
external links given in the 'Distribution in Britain' section on
this website for Diptera and Coleoptera species to NBN Gateway distribution
maps have been updated to display the far more useful interactive
map rather than the grid map.
NBN Gateway external links given in the 'External Links' section
at the foot of each species page of Diptera and Coleoptera, where
it exists on this website, has been updated to display the NBN Gateway
search results for the taxon in question rather than a distribution
map. This allows other features (including taxonomic information)
on the NBN Gateway to be explored.
May 2008 - Diptera species - External Hyperlinks to Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa (formerly Nederlandse bladmineerders and Bladmineerders van Europa)
Ellis is currently updating the Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa website to include English as well as Dutch. In the
course of that process, most of his Diptera species pages have been
moved to a new subfolder. This action caused most of the external
hyperlinks on the Diptera species pages on this website to break.
All of the links to on this website to Diptera species pages have
now been updated to restore these links.
the course of updating the external links from the Diptera species
pages on this website, additional links to pages with images (where
they exist) on Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa and British
Leafminers have been added to the mine description.
March 2008 - Authorship
updated to 'Brian Pitkin, Willem Ellis, Colin Plant and Rob Edmunds'
in recognition of their invaluable input to this project.
March 2008 - Lepidoptera - Synonymy
to the original name, junior synonyms and subsequent combinations
have been added for all Lepidoptera species where a match was found
in The Global
Lepidoptera Names Index [accessed 20-7 March, 2008]. These references
have not yet verified against the original publications cited.
March 2008 - Hymenoptera species
24 Hymenoptera species pages have been updated to include (where known) descriptions of mines, larvae, pupae, time of
year and distribution in Great Britain, Ireland and elsewhere, bringing
together information from British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa and Fauna
Europaea. Links have also been created to the appropriate NBN
Gateway grid map (where it exists) for each species.
March 2008 - Coleoptera species
30 Coleoptera species pages have been updated to include (where
known) descriptions of mines, larvae, pupae, time of year and distribution
in Great Britain, Ireland and elsewhere, bringing together information
from British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa and Fauna
Europaea. Links have also been created to the appropriate NBN
Gateway grid map (where it exists) for each species.
March 2008 - Lepidoptera species - Stigmella lemniscella
to Xenolechia aethiops
remining 47 Lepidoptera species pages (alphabetically by genus and
species from Stigmella lemniscella to Xenolechia aethiops)
have been updated to include (where known) descriptions of
mines, larvae, pupae, time of year and distribution in Great Britain,
Ireland and elsewhere, bringing together information from British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa, UKMoths and
Fauna Europaea.
Links have also been created to the appropriate NBN
Gateway grid map (where it exists) for each species.
header graphic has been added and the background colour changed
to pale green.
March 2008 - Parasitoids of Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera
known British chalcidoid parasitoids of all British non-dipterous
miners have been added and the lists
of associations have been updated. Unless otherwise stated these
parasitoid/miner associations are taken from John Noyes' Universal
Chalcidoid Database. All of the parasitoids and their associated
host miners occur in Britain. The associations themselves, however,
may not be British records.
March 2008 - Lepidoptera species - Stigmella aceris to
Stigmella lapponica
further 25 Lepidoptera species pages (alphabetically by genus and
species from Stigmella aceris to Stigmella lapponica)
have been updated to include (where known) descriptions of
mines, larvae, pupae, time of year and distribution in Great Britain,
Ireland and elsewhere, bringing together information from British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa, UKMoths and
Fauna Europaea.
Links have also been created to the appropriate NBN
Gateway grid map (where it exists) for each species.
of non-dipterous miners outside of Britain (where known) have been
added to the 'Key' pages'.
January 2008 - Lepidoptera species - Phylloporia bistrigella
to Stephensia brunnichella
further 25 Lepidoptera species pages (alphabetically by genus and
species from Phylloporia bistrigella to Stephensia brunnichella)
have been updated to include (where known) descriptions of
mines, larvae, pupae, time of year and distribution in Great Britain,
Ireland and elsewhere, bringing together information from British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa, UKMoths and
Fauna Europaea.
Links have also been created to the appropriate NBN
Gateway grid map (where it exists) for each species.
links from the 'Key' pages to the relavant page in UKMoths
(where is exists) have been added for all Lepidoptera species.
January 2008 - Lepidoptera species - Phyllonorycter acerifoliella
to Phyllonorycter viminetorum
further 54 Lepidoptera species pages (alphabetically by genus and
species from Phyllonorycter acerifoliella to Phyllonorycter
viminetorum) have been updated to include (where known)
descriptions of mines, larvae, pupae, time of year and distribution
in Great Britain, Ireland and elsewhere, bringing together information
from British
Leafminers, c,
UKMoths and Fauna
Europaea. Links have also been created to the appropriate NBN
Gateway grid map (where it exists) for each species.
January 2008 - Lepidoptera species - Mompha lacteella to
Phyllocnistis xenia
further 40 Lepidoptera species pages (alphabetically by genus and
species from Mompha lacteella to Phyllocnistis xenia)
have been updated to include (where known) descriptions of
mines, larvae, pupae, time of year and distribution in Great Britain,
Ireland and elsewhere, bringing together information from British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa, UKMoths and
Fauna Europaea.
Links have also been created to the appropriate NBN
Gateway grid map (where it exists) for each species.
January 2008 - Lepidoptera species - Elophila nymphaeata
to Lyonetia prunifoliella
further 44 Lepidoptera species pages (alphabetically by genus and
species from Elophila nymphaeata to Lyonetia prunifoliella)
have been updated to include (where known) descriptions of
mines, larvae, pupae, time of year and distribution in Great Britain,
Ireland and elsewhere, bringing together information from British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa, UKMoths and
Fauna Europaea.
Links have also been created to the appropriate NBN
Gateway grid map (where it exists) for each species.