(Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera)
Brian Pitkin, Willem Ellis, Colin Plant and Rob Edmunds
Alder. [Betulaceae]
Four species and two hybrids of Alnus are recorded in Britain, although a number of species may be planted for ornament. Alder
(A. glutinosa) is the only native species of Alnus
in Britain, although Italian Alder (A. cordata), Grey Alder
(A. incana), Red Alder (A. rubra) and Green
Alder (A. viridis) have been recorded. The BSBI provide a downloadable plant crib for Alnus.
Thirty-nine British miners are recorded on Alnus.
A key to the European miners recorded on Alnus is provided in Bladmineerders van Europa. |

Alnus glutinosa
Key for the identification of the known mines of British
Diptera recorded on Alnus
Note: Diptera larvae may live in a corridor mine, a corridor-blotch mine, or a blotch mine, but never in a case, a rolled or folded leaf, a tentiform mine or sandwiched between two more or less circular leaf sections in later instars. Pupation never in a cocoon. All mining Diptera larvae are leg-less maggots without a head capsule (see examples). They never have thoracic or abdominal legs. They do not have chewing mouthparts, although they do have a characteristic cephalo-pharyngeal skeleton (see examples), usually visible internally through the body wall. The larvae lie on their sides within the mine and use their pick-like mouthparts to feed on plant tissue. In some corridor miners frass may lie in two rows on alternate sides of the mine. In order to vacate the mine the fully grown larva cuts an exit slit, which is usually semi-circular (see Liriomyza huidobrensis video). The pupa is formed within the hardened last larval skin or puparium and as a result sheaths enclosing head appendages, wings and legs are not visible externally (see examples).
See Key to non-Diptera.
1 > Leaf-miner: Larva
forming a linear leaf-mine, considerably widening at end (Spencer,
1976: 94-95, fig. 133).
upper-surface corridor, initially very shallow, gradually widening
(often quite broad in the end), not associated with leaf margin
or veins; mature mine often with a characteristic brown colouration.
Frass in two rows. The gold-coloured larva leaves the mine before
pupation, through a semicircular exit slit in the upper epidermis.
An upper surface gallery, narrow at first but, widening considerably towards the end. |
On Alnus in Britain and elsewhere. Widespread in Britain and continental
alnivora Spencer, 1969 [Diptera: Agromyzidae].
Key for the identification of the known mines of British
non-Diptera recorded on Alnus
Note: The larvae of mining Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera may live in a corridor mine, a corridor-blotch mine, a blotch mine, a case, a rolled or folded leaf, a tentiform mine or sandwiched between two more or less circular leaf sections in later instars. Larva may pupate in a silk cocoon. The larva may have six legs (although they may be reduced or absent), a head capsule and chewing mouthparts with opposable mandibles (see video of a gracillarid larva feeding). Larvae of Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera usually also have abdominal legs (see examples). Frass, if present, never in two rows. Unless feeding externally from within a case the larva usually vacates the mine by chewing an exit hole. Pupa with visible head appendages, wings and legs which lie in sheaths (see examples).
1a > Leaf-miner and case-bearer: The larva lives outside the mine, protected by a case, and feeds on the underlying plant tissues via a hole cut in the epidermis. From that point it eats away as much leaf tissue as it can reach without fully entering the mine. Mine does not contain frass (Coleophora species) |
2 |
1b > Leaf-miner, twig-miner or bud miner, but not a case-bearer: The larva lives mainly inside the mine. Mine usually contains frass. In later instars the larva may live sandwiched between two more or less circular sections cut from the leaf. |
3 |
2a > Leaf-miner
and case-bearer: The larva creates a succession of cases, in this instance fashioned
from parts of a leaf. The final case is 11-13 mm long, slender,
and fixed at 45° to the leaf surface, with anal end laterally
compressed and bivalved. A
slender, brown, spathulate leaf case, in the end about 13 mm long;
mouth angle about 15°. Young case slender, not hooked. |
On Alnus, and Alnus glutinosa in Britain plus Alnus
incana, Alnus viridis and Betula elsewhere. In Britain
a rather local species which is slowly increasing its range. It
occurs in scattered colonies in central and southern England,
but also occasionally elsewhere. Widespread in continental Europe.
alnifoliae Barasch, 1934 [Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae]. |
2b > Leaf-miner
and case-bearer: The early case is tiny and the larva makes
a series of tiny holes on the leaf. After overwintering it makes
a shiny pistol shaped case in spring and window feeds. The
young larva, before hibernation, makes tiny mines, sometimes tens
in one leaf. After hibernation window feeding is done. In this latter
stage the larva lives in a shining black pistol case of about 7
mm, that, with a mouth angle of 70°-80°, stands almost perpendicular
on the leaf. |
On Crataegus, Malus, Prunus, Pyrus and Sorbus, but not yet on Alnus, in
Britain plus numerous genera and species of several plant families,
including Alnus, elsewhere. Occurs in England and Wales,
commoner in the south. Widespread in continental Europe.
anatipenella (Hübner, 1796) [Lepidoptera: Bucculatricidae].
2c > Leaf-miner
and case-bearer: Larva mines leaves. The case is enlarged several times by mining
a leaf-edge and inserting the existing case into the mine which
is joined with silk. The final case is 7-8 mm long. Larva
in a composite leaf case, composed of large leaf fragments. Characteristically,
the leaf fragments are attached in a failry untidy way. In spring
the case has two colours, because the old material (dull yellowish,
grey or pink) dates from before the hibernation, while new, reddish
brown material dates from after the winter. The case finally is
about 7-8 mm long; the mouth angle is 40-45°.. |
On Alnus, Betula, Carpinus, Castanea and Corylus in Britain
and elsewhere. Widespread
in Britain and continental Europe, Also recorded in the Republic
of Ireland.
binderella Staudinger, 1859 [Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae]. |
2d > Leaf-miner
and case-bearer: Lobe case. Many small leaf fragments are attached to the tubular
case; its end is strongly curved downwards. The larvae are attached
to the leaf underside, where they make a large number of relatively
small full depth mines. |
On Betula and Corylus, but not yet on Alnus, in Britain plus Alnus and Carpinus elsewhere. Widespread but not common in Britain.
Widespread in continental Europe. Also recorded in the Republic
of Ireland.
fuscocuprella Herrich-Schäffer, 1855 [Lepidoptera:
2e > Leaf-miner
and case-bearer: Larva mining leaves, the blotches brownish. The final case is 8-11
mm long, slender, and fixed at 45° to leaf surface, with anal
end laterally compressed. The case has a serrated keel due to formation
from the edge of a leaf. Spatulate
leaf case. Strikingly slender, bivalved case, 8-11 mm long, with
a slight curve at the rear end, that is keeled and often toothed.
The end is laterally compressed. Mouth angle 45°. The full depth
mines often are conspicuously brown. |
On Betula and Carpinus, but not yet on Alnus, in Britain plus Alnus, Corylus and Myrica elsewhere. Widespread in Britain
and continental Europe. Also recorded in the Republic of Ireland.
milvipennis Zeller, 1839 [Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae].
2f > Leaf-miner
and case-bearer: Composite leaf case. The material used to enlarge the case consists
of large pieces of full depth mine, that are attached with such
precision that they may seem seemless. In the course of summer an
autumn two (sometimes three, according to Hering, 1927b) pieces
are added. No more material is added after hibernation, causing
the case in spring to be rather uniformly coloured (contrary to C. binderella, that does add an extension in spring, and
is made of fresh leaf material). |

of Coleophora orbitella on Betula pendula
Image: © Willem Ellis (Bladmineerders van Europa) |
On Alnus, Betula, Carpinus and Corylus in
Britain and elsewhere. Widespread in Britain and continental Europe.
Also recorded in the Republic of Ireland.
orbitella Zeller, 1849 [Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae].
2g > Leaf-miner
and case-bearer: The larva feeds by inserting its head into small mines it creates
on the leaves of birch, elm, alder, or hazel. Occasionally it is
found feeding on other trees, or on herbaceous plants onto which
it has accidentally Fallén. It forms two cases during its larval
life. The first case is initially curved, smooth, laterally compressed
with a bivalved anal opening, and about 2 mm long in September.
During October it feeds, and adds a few rough collars of larval
material around the oral opening. After hibernation, it feeds again
in April and early May, adding more protruding collars until they
equal or exceed the original smooth part of the case. At the same
time, it expands the case girth by the creation of a silk gusset
ventrally. The second case, 6 or 7 mm long, is formed in May, leaving
the vacated first case attached to its last feeding mine. The new
case is tubular with a trivalved crimp at the anal opening. The
dorsum is formed from the edge of the leaf from which the case was
cut. This results in a more or less serrated dorsal keel, depending
on the plant species and the individual piece of leaf used. Considerable
variation in the degree of serration can be found, even among specimens
off the same tree. The case colour varies with food plant, from
yellowish brown on birch, darkening through elm and hazel to dark
brown on alder.
strongly curved young case is is a composite leaf case, the adult
case is a tubular leaf case. The adult case is bivalved, about 7
mm in length; the mouth angle is around 30°. The case is straw
coloured and almost always has a toothed dorsal keel (remnant of
the margin of the leaf from which the case was cut). Neither larvae
or cases of C.
coracipennella, prunifoliae, serratella and spinella can be
separated; from serratella. |
On Alnus, Betula, Corylus, Ulmus and Sorbus in Britain plus Carpinus, Mespilus,
Ostrya, Hippophae, Ribes, Myrica, Forsythia, Amelanchier, Chaenomeles,
Cotoneaster, Crataegus, Cydonia, Eriobotrya, Malus, Prunus, Sorbus,
Spiraea, Populus and Salix elsewhere. This is probably the commonest species of British
coleophorid, and is found throughout the British Isles. Widespread
in continental Europe.
serratella (Linnaeus, 1761) [Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae].
2h > Leaf-miner
and case-bearer: Tubular leaf case. The case is almost barrel-shaped, with a large
leaf fragment that, while withering, folds itself untidily arround
the tube. A
biennial life cycle in the UK (may be annual in continental Europe). The second
and third cases are formed by cutting out a large leaf portion and
then wrapping it around - leaving an edge protruding, which then
withers. |
On Betula, Crataegus, Malus and Sorbus, but not yet on Alnus, in Britain plus Alnus, Carpinus, Malus, Sorbus and Tilia elsewhere.
Widespread but not common in Britain. Also recorded in the Republic
of Ireland. Widespread in continental Europe.
siccifolia Stainton, 1856 [Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae].
2i > Leaf-miner
and case-bearer: The larva feeds on a wide range of trees, shrubs and herbs, favouring
Rosaceae, but not exclusively. The fully developed cased larva may
be found active in October and again, after winter diapause, in
April. Cases, about 6 mm, of diapausing larvae may be found through
winter, fixed to a tree or fence post. The dorsal surface of the
case is usually covered in leaf fragments, but they can sometimes
be worn off almost smooth. The ventral surface is swollen at the
middle and has a keel, which usually bends upwards at the posterior.
The cases of C. ahenella (on Rhamnus, Frangula, Viburnum and Cornus) and C.
potentillae (case less swollen, keel not bent up, resting
position less prone) are very similar.
lobe case that lies almost flat on the leaf, either on the upper
or on the lower side. Case widest about the middle. Ventrally there
is a distinct keel. Mouth angle 0°. Full depth mines rather
large. The flaps of cuticular tissue that serve to enlarge the case
are cut out of the upper epidermis. (contrary to C.
ahenella and C.
potentillae, that use tissue from the lower epidermis).
The removal of these tissue flaps creates holes that are much larger
than those that serve as the entrance to the mine. |

Coleophora violacea larva, lateral
Image: © Willem Ellis (Bladmineerders van Europa) |
Polyphagous. On numerous genera and species in several plant families, including Alnus, in Britain and elsewhere. Widespread in Britain
and continental Europe.
violaceae (Ström, 1783) [Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae].
3a > Bud
and twig bark miner: Mine in buds or twig bark. |
On Alnus glutinosa in Britain. Records from southern England
and the Republic of Ireland. Widespread in continental Europe.
quadrimaculella (Boheman, 1853) [Lepidoptera:
Nepticulidae]. |
3b > Leaf-miner: Long, full depth mine, starting at an oviposition scar, mostly in
the distal part of the midrib; the scar may be swollen and gall-like.
Frass line variable in width, sometimes quite broad. Usually the
corridor loosely follows the leaf margin, and the part of the leaf
that is cut off from the centre dies off. The larvae live in spring,
when the leaf is unfolding; later in summer affected leaves are
recognisable because the tip of the leaf and parts of the marginal
teeth are missing, by remnants of the corridor and by a general
disfiguring of the leaf. The larva leaves the mine before pupation.
On Betula, but not yet on Alnus, in Britain plus Alnus glutinosa, Betula pendula,
Betula pubescens and possibly Populus nigra elsewhere. Widespread in England, Scotland and continental Europe.
plantaris (Naezen, 1794) [Coleoptera: Curculionidae]. |
3c > Leaf-miner: Oviposition in the underside of the midrib or a thick lateral vein;
the oviposition site develops into a large scar. The larva makes
a corridor that runs towards the leaf margin. The ultimate part
of the mine is a corridor in the leaf tip, with frass in a narrow
black central line. |
On Alnus in Britain plus Alnus incana and Alnus
glutinosa elsewhere. Widespread in England and continental
roboris Suffrian, 1840 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae].
3d > Leaf-miner: A
very clear blotch, without preceding corridor, usually harbouring
several crimson marbled larvae. The mine mostly begins near the
base of the midrib. Most frass is ejected from the mine, but some
of the grains are trapped in a loose spinning below the leaf, that
has been made by the larvae during excursions. The larvae can leave
their mine and restart elsewhere. |
On Betula, but not yet on Alnus, in Britain plus Alnus, Betula nana, Betula
pendula and Ulmus minor elsewhere. Widespread in Scotland
and continental Europe.
torquatella (Lienig & Zeller, 1846) [Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae].
3e > Leaf-miner: The
larva of this species creates a gallery mine. The mine is similar
to those of the alder-feeding Nepticulidae, but is generally shorter,
with the larval exit-hole on the upperside of the leaf rather than
the underside. After vacating the mine, the larva grazes on the
underside of the leaf in the manner of other Bucculatricidae.
and narrow corridor, starting at an oval, iridescent egg shell that
is usually placed at the leaf underside, close to a thick vein.
The larval chamber is more than three times as long as wide and
is vacated through an upper surface exit slit. Frass in a narrow
central black line; when the mine is made in Bog-Myrtle the thick
frass line almost fills the corridor. Older larvae live free and
cause window-feeding. The larva pupates in a cocoon and is illustrated in British
leafminers. |

Bucculatrix cidarella cocoon
Image: Rob Edmunds (British leafminers) |
On Alnus glutinosa and Myrica gale in Britain plus Alnus incana and Alnus viridis elsewhere. Widespread
in Britain and continental Europe.
cidarella (Zeller, 1839) [Lepidoptera: Bucculatricidae].
3f > Leaf-miner: The larvae mine the leaves at first, then create small feeding windows.
full depth, hook-like corridor, usually in a vein axil, with a proportionally
large larval chamber. The remainder of the mine almost entirely
stuffed with frass. At the start if the mine an iridescent egg shell.
The larvae soon leave their mine and start living free on the leaf. The pupa and white ribbed cocoon are illustrated in British

Bucculatrix thoracella cocoon
Image: Rob Edmunds (British leafminers) |
On Tilia, but not yet on Alnus, in Britain and Acer, Aesculus, Betula, Carpinus,
Fagus, Sorbus and Tilia elsewhere. Widely distributed
in southern England. Widespread in continental Europe.
thoracella (Thunberg, 1794) [Lepidoptera: Bucculatricidae].
3g > Leaf-miner: The
larvae feed at first in a mine, and later in a folded or rolled
mine begins with a usually rather short gallery, that opens into
(and often is overrun by) a silvery epidermal upper-surface blotch
with light brown frass. When the mine gets older it contracts and
becomes an elongate blister or even a tube. Soon the larva leaves
the mine and continues feeding within a downwards rolled leaf margin,
that is fastened with silk. Under
a silk membrane on underside of leaf.
Pupation in a transparent, yellow-shining cocoon at the leaf margin. |
On Alnus cordata, Alnus glutinosa and Alnus incana in Britain plus Alnus minor elsewhere. A relatively common
species throughout much of Britain. Also recorded in the Republic
of Ireland. Widespread in continental Europe.
elongella (Linnaeus, 1761) [Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae].
3h > Leaf-miner: Initially in short gallery becoming a brownish blotch near the leaf
margin. Later in two or three Parornix-like folds at the
edge of the leaf. Small
(up to 10 mm long), lower-surface blotch near the leaf margin, with
a brownish lower epidermis. The mine in fact is a tentiform mine,
but so little silk is produced that the blotch hardly contracts
at all. The mine is preceded by a quite short corridor, that is
overrun by the later blotch. The older larva leaves its mine and
starts feeding under a flap of the leaf margin that is folded down
and fixed with silk on the blade underside. Two or three such folds
are made, not necessarily on the same leaf. The fact that no leaf
rolls are made, but parts of the leaf are folded down rather makes
one think of the work of a Parornix. |
On Alnus cordata, Alnus glutinosa and Alnus incana in Britain and Alnus glutinosa elsewhere. Southern England
and the Republic of Ireland. Widespread in continental Europe.
falconipennella (Hübner, 1813) [Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae].
3i > Leaf-miner: The mine begins as a contorted gallery, when the young larva can
be seen to have dark plates on each segment. These plates are later
lost and the gallery becomes a blotch with scattered frass.
begins at a globular, black, lower-surface egg shell. From there
starts a short tortuous corridor, that widens into a blotch, often
between to lateral veins. Frass dispersed. Pupation outside the
mine. |

of Ectoedemia minimella on Betula pubescens
Image: © Willem Ellis (Bladmineerders van Europa) |
On Betula and Corylus, but not yet on Alnus, in Britain and Alnus and Betula elsewhere. Widespread in Britain and continental
minimella (Zetterstedt, 1839) [Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae].
3j > Leaf-miner: A large brownish blotch, without an initial corridor. Usually the
mine starts near a vein axil, and expands towards the leaf margin.
The mine mostly remains enclosed by two thick lateral veins; only
near the leaf margin (and especially in thin shadow leaves) the
mine may trespass over the side veins. Often several mines in a
leaf. The mine is upper surface, but quite deep, specially when
the larva is young not all tissue is eaten away, and the mine keeps
a greenish tinge there. Contrary to Heterarthrus vagans,
at least as common on the same host, the larva vacates the mine
prior to pupation.
The larvae of sawflies have at least six thoracic legs (although they may be reduced or absent), a head capsule and chewing mouthparts with opposable mandibles but no abdominal legs. |
On Alnus in Britain and elsewhere. Widespread in Britain
and continental Europe. Also recorded in the Republic of Ireland.
dohrnii (Tischbein, 1846) [Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae].
3k > Leaf-miner: A
rather large, clear, partly full depth blotch that begins in the
axil of a thick lateral vein. Often the ovipostion leaves a greyish-green
scar. Generally several mines in a leaf. The mine expands within
the confines of the midrib and two lateral veins; only close to
the leaf margin, where the lateral veins are thin, the mine may
trespass over a vein. |
On Alnus, Betula and Ulmus in Britain and elsewhere. Recorded in Britain and the Republic
of Ireland. Widespread in continental Europe.
pumila Leach, 1817 [Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae].
3l > ? Leaf-miner: The
larvae feed on a range of deciduous trees, windowing leaves in autumn
and eating the buds, catkins, young shoots and then spun leaves
in the spring.
Cocoon formed in soil or where the larva fed British
leafminers. |
On Corylus, Crataegus, Populus, Quercus and Salix, but not yet on Alnus,
in Britain and Alnus, Betula, Corylus, Crataegus, Populus,
Quercus and Salix elsewhere. Widespread in Britain.
Also recorded in the Republic of Ireland. Widespread in continental
dealbana (Frölich, 1828) [Lepidoptera:
3m > Leaf-miner: The mine formed in the leaf-veins and midrib leads to an oval
blotch. When fully fed, the larva cuts out an oval case,
in which it descends to the ground and pupates.
mine begins in one of the more heavy veins of a leaf. Boring in
the vein the larva descends towards the midrib. Often in this process
the larva moves from one thick vein to another by way of a hair-thin
transverse corridor. Once in the midrib the larva descends, not
rarely even for one or two cm into the petiole (one can see that
by cleaving a petiole). Finally the larva returns into the leaf
by way of the midrib, and makes a short, full depth, quickly widening
corridor with a clear central line of frass. In the end an oval
excision of made of about 2 x 5 mm, in which the larva drops to
the ground. |
On Alnus in Britain and elsewhere. Widespread and locally
common throughout England, Wales and parts of Southern Scotland.
Also recorded in the Republic of Ireland. Widespread in continental
resplendella (Stainton, 1851) [Lepidoptera: Heliozelidae].
3n > Leaf-miner: A large, practically full depth brownish blotch, without an initial
corridor. The mine begins somewhere on the leaf and expands in all
directions, without having much consideration with even major veins.
In this respect the mine differs from that of Fenusa
dohrnii on the same host plant. Moreover, as a rule there
is just one mine per leaf. The full grown larva makes a disc-shaped
cocoon within its mine, with a diameter of about 7-9 mm. Unlike F. dohrnii the larva is rather vividly pigmented and can
easily be observed without dissecting the mine. Like most sawflies
the larva lies belly-up in its mine.
The larvae of sawflies have at least six thoracic legs (although they may be reduced or absent), a head capsule and chewing mouthparts with opposable mandibles but no abdominal legs. |
On Alnus in Britain and elsewhere. England and Wales in
Britain. Widespread in continental Europe. Also recorded in the
Republic of Ireland.
vagans (Fallén, 1808) [Hymenoptera:
3o > Leaf-miner: The larva starts making a corridor of a few mm, followed, and
mostly overrun, by a circular blotch of 4-5 mm diameter. Generally
several larvae feed in a single leaf, creating a distinctive pattern
of feeding windows. The larvae then cut out circular cases and drop
to the leaf-litter to continue feeding, leaving behind a leaf containing
many circular or oval cut-outs.
On Alnus, Betula, Carpinus, Corylus, Malus and Tilia in Britain and Acer, Alnus, Betula, Carpinus, Corylus, Ostrya,
Cornus, Robinia, Malus, Prunus, Pyrus and Sorbus elsewhere.
Widely distributed in Britain and continental Europe.
pectinea Haworth, 1828 [Lepidoptera: Incurvariidae].
3p > Leaf-miner: A circular or oval brownish blotch with a central spiral of dense
blackish frass (British
leafminers), sometimes several mines in one leaf.
is at the leaf underside, well away from the leaf margin; the egg
has a fine reticulate surface. The mine is a rather large, perfectly
circular blotch without a trace of a preceeding corridor. Around
the dark centre the frass, glued to the upper epidermis is arranged
in distinct arcs. Pupation in
a silken cocoon, usually on detritus. |
On Betula, Cotoneaster, Crataegus, Cydonia, Malus, Prunus, Pyrus,
Rosa and Sorbus, but not yet on Alnus, in Britain and on Alnus, Betula,
Amelanchier, Aronia, Chaenomeles, Cotoneaster, Crataegus, Cydonia,
Malus, Mespilus, Prunus, Pyrus and Sorbus elsewhere.
Widespread in England and into Southern Scotland. Also recorded
in the Republic of Ireland. Widespread in continental Europe.
malifoliella (O. Costa, 1836) [Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae].
3q > Leaf-miner: Oviposition in the midrib. From there a corridor the larva enters
the lamina which suddenly and strongly widens. The larva finally
pupates in a globular cocoon inside the mine. Because the mine is
formed when the leaf already is fully developed mined leaves have
a normal shape. |
On Alnus, Betula and Myrica in Britain and elsewhere.
A southern species in the Britain. Widespread in continental Europe.
iota (Fabricius, 1787) [Coleoptera: Curculionidae].
3r > Leaf-miner: Oviposition in the underside of the midrib or a thick lateral vein;
later a large scar is visible there. Initially the larva tunnels
in the midrib or vein, that inflates and disfigures somewhat as
a result. Then the larva starts a corridor in the leaf blade, quite
narrow at first, but strongly widening as the larva approaches the
leaf margin or leaf tip. The mine is reddish brown in colour. The
mature larva makes itself a dark brown globular cocoon in the mine
and pupates there. Because the mine is made at a time that the leaf
still is unfolding, the leaf becomes permanently rumpled. In the
course of the summer the mine erodes away, but the combination of
the oviposition scar, the swolllen mibrib and the frayed leave missing
a large part of its distal half remains unmistakable as testaceus including calceatus). |

Orchestes testaceus pupa, dorsal
Image: © Willem Ellis (Bladmineerders van Europa) |
On Alnus in Britain and elsewhere. There are records of Orchestes testaceus including Orchestes
calceatus from and continental Europe. |
testaceus (Müller, 1766) [Coleoptera: Curculionidae].
3s > Leaf-miner: The
larva feeds on hazel or hornbeam, creating blotches with intertwining
threads of frass, typical of the genus.
white blotch, starting at the leaf margin. Frass in long threads.
Often several larvae in a mine. Pupation outside the mine. |
On Carpinus and Corylus, but not yet on Alnus, in Britain plus Alnus and Ostrya elsewhere. Widespread in England and recorded
in the Republic of Ireland. Widespread in continental Europe.
Eriocrania chrysolepidella (Zeller, 1851) [Lepidoptera: Eriocraniidae].
3t > Leaf-miner: The mine is underside, about 25 mm long, often from midrib to margin
of leaf. The lower epidermis appears smooth. There may be several
mines in a leaf. Large,
lower-surface tentiform mine, often occupying the entire space between
two side veins, from the midrib almost to the leaf margin, Lower
epidermis without clear folds.The larva is grey (all other phyllonorycters
on Alder are white). Pupa in a light brown cocoon that is fastened
to the roof of the mine. The cocoon is entirely free of frass: all
frass is accumulated in the inner corner of the mine. |
On Alnus in Britain and elsewhere. Widespread in Britain.
Also recorded in the Republic of Ireland. Widespread in continental
froelichiella (Zeller, 1839) [Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae].
3u > Leaf-miner: The mine is underside, small, seldom reaching midrib. The lower
epidermis with several small creases, sometimes several larvae mine
the same leaf. Lower-surface
tentiform mine between two side veins, often at quite some distance
from the midrib. Lower surface with many folds, all very weak. Often
several mines in one leaf. Pupa in a white cocoon in an angle of
the mine, attached to the roof. The cocoon is free from frass; all
frass is heaped in an angle of the mine, opposite to the cocoon. |
On Alnus in Britain and elsewhere. Widespread in Britain.
Also recorded in the Republic of Ireland. Widespread in continental
kleemannella (Fabricius, 1781) [Lepidoptera:
3v > Leaf-miner: The mine is underside, small, at or near midrib. The lower epidermis
with one strong crease. Lower-surface
tentiform mine, not longer than 20 mm, usually in the axil of a
thick lateral vein, with one strong length fold. Pupa in a tough
off-white cocoon that is fastened to the floor and the roof of the
mine. Almost all frass is incorporated in the sides of the cocoon
(visible with a loupe in transparancy as two dark lines). In autumn
not infrequently five or more mines in one leaf. |
On Alnus in Britain and elsewhere. Widespread in Britain.
Also recorded in the Republic of Ireland. Widespread in continental
rajella (Linnaeus, 1758) [Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae].
3w > Leaf-miner: The mine is upper side, oval, over midrib or side-vein - the
upper epidermis flimsy with one strong crease. Unlike
other species that form an upperside mine, the surface is not papery,
but quite glossy and heavily creased. The mine begins green and
then turns orange or brown when more mature.
fairly small, almost flat tentiform mine with a characteristic yellow
green colour. The mine has a single, moderately strong, fold. Generally
the mine is positioned over a lateral vein. Frass in a clump in
a corner of the mine. The pupa is formed in a white cocoon. |
On Alnus in Britain and elsewhere. Widespread in Britain
and continental Europe.
stettinensis (Nicelli, 1852) [Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae].
3x > Leaf-miner: The mine is underside, between veins, narrow and close to midrib. Often
there are several to one leaf, and have a distinct brown tinge.
lower-surface, in the end tubular contracted tentiform mine, usualy
starting at a small distance from the midrib. The lower epidermis
with many weak wrinkles but no clear folds. Often several mines
in a leaf. All frass is accumulated in an angle of the mine. Pupa
in a white cocoon that is free from frass. |
On Alnus in Britain and elsewhere. Widespread in Britain
and continental Europe.
strigulatella (Lienig
and Zeller, 1846) [Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae]. |
3y > Leaf-miner: Large, transparent, in fresh condition pale green blotch that begins
at the leaf margin, without an accumulation of frass. Mine and larva
are undistinguishable from those of S.
vicina, but vicina larvae live from mid May until
mid June, while the larvae of betuleti are found only in
August - October. |
On Alnus and Betula in Britain an delsewhere. Widespread in Britain and continental Europe.
betuleti (Klug, 1816) [Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae].
3z > Leaf-miner: A
narrow gallery with frass in thin central line. The moths must be
bred through to distinguish S.alnetella and S.glutinosae. Ovipostion
at the leaf lower surface. Then a full depth slender, corridor,
often following a vein or the leaf margin for some distance. Frass
in a continuous central line that nowhere is wider than one third
of the corridor width. Frass never coiled. Usually only one mine
in a leaf. Pupation outside the mine. |
On Alnus in Britain and Alnus and Betula elsewhere. Widespread in Britain. Also Northen Ireland and the
Republic of Ireland. continental Europe.
alnetella (Stainton, 1856) [Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae].
3za > Leaf-miner: A gallery with frass partly dispersed, but sometimes in a thin
line (as S. alnetella).
The moths must be bred through to distinguish between this and S.alnetella. Oviposition
at the leaf underside. Then a full depth, fairly slender corridor,
often several in a leaf. Frass line very variable, sometimes coiled,
mostly more than on third of the width of the corridor. Pupation
outside the mine. |
On Alnus in Britain and elsewhere. Widespread in Britain
and continental Europe. Also recorded in the Republic of Ireland.
glutinosae (Stainton, 1858) [Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae].
3zb > Leaf-miner: Full depth corridor, beginning at the base of the midrib and very
roughly following the leaf margin; all the while the corridor widens,
until almost the entire leaf has been mined out. Frass, as coarse
grains or thread fragments, in the centre of the mine. The larva
pupates in the mine, in a globular cocoon made of secretion. |
On Betula, Corylus and Salix, but not yet on Alnus, in Britain and Alnus,
Betula, Corylus, Popoulus and Salix elsewhere. Only
known in Britain from East Sussex. Widespread in continental Europe.
stigma (Germar, 1821) [Coleoptera: Curculionidae].
3zc > Leaf-miner: Oviposition in the base of the midrib, without giving rise to an
oviposition scar. The larva initially bores inside the midrib. Later
it leaves the midrib, forming a broad corridor in the blade, that
widens into a blotch. Finally the larva pupates in a globular
cocoon inside the mine. Because the mine develops at a time that
the leaf is fully developed, mined leaves are not disfigured. |
On Betula, Corylus and Salix, but not yet on Alnus, in Britain and Alnus,
Betula, Corylus, ? Populus and Salix elsewhere. Widespread
in Britain and continental Europe.
pseudostigma (Tempère, 1982) [Coleoptera: Curculionidae].