July 2009 - Links from known host plant species to NBN distribution
maps added for all Hymenoptera
have been added from known host plant species to NBN interactive
distribution maps, where they exist, for all species of Hymenoptera.
For species of sawflies without NBN distribution maps, these host
plant species distribution maps will inform the user of the potential
range of the sawfly. Where both sawfly and host species maps exist,
these highlight just how few sawfly records are recorded by the
NBN relative to the numbers of host species records, particularly
where the sawfly is monophagous (recorded on a single host plant
species). Additionally the host distribution maps provide location
information on where the sawfly might be sought.
July 2009 - Links from known host plant species to NBN distribution
maps added for all Coleoptera
have been added from known host plant species to NBN interactive
distribution maps, where they exist, for all species of Coleoptera.
For species of beetles without NBN distribution maps, these host
plant species distribution maps will inform the user of the potential
range of the beetle. Where both beetle and host species maps exist,
these highlight just how few beetle records are recorded by the
NBN relative to the numbers of host species records, particularly
where the beetle is monophagous (recorded on a single host plant
species). Additionally the host distribution maps provide location
information on where the beetle might be sought.
July 2009 - Additional links to the Lepidoptera Dissection Group
website added.
links have been added, where they exist, to the images of male and
female gentitalia on the Lepidoptera
Dissection Group's website. Where the male or female genitalia
are not currently illustrated by the Lepidoptera
Dissection Group, there is an option to check for updates in
the event that an illustration has been added subsequent to posting
the moth species page on this website.
June 2009 - Links added for illustrated adults in UKMoths
have been added for illustrated adults in UKMoths, where they exist.
Where an adult moth is not currently illustrated in UKMoths, there
is an option to check for updates in the event that an illustration
of an adult has been added to UKMoths subsequent to posting the
moth species page on this website.
June 2009 - Links from known host plant species to NBN distribution
maps added for all Diptera
have been added from known host plant species to NBN distribution
maps, where they exist, for all species of Diptera. For species
of flies without NBN distribution maps, these host plant species
distribution maps will inform the user of the potential range of
the fly. Where both fly and host species maps exist, these highlight
just how few fly records are recorded by the NBN relative to the
numbers of host species records, particularly where the fly is monophagous
(recorded on a single host plant species), e.g. Holly
leaf miner and Holly.
Additionally the host distribution maps provide location information
on where the fly might be sought.
May 2009 - Links to the Lepidoptera Dissection Group website added.
have been added, where they exist, to the images of male and female
gentitalia on the Lepidoptera
Dissection Group's website.