CHANGES - 2015 |
2019 : 2018 : 2017 : 2016 : 2015 : 2014 : 2013: 2012 : 2011 : 2010 : 2009 : 2008 : 2007 |
31 December 2015 - Existing keys to mines updated and additional keys added.
Existing keys to host genera of miners have been updated to include miners not yet recorded on that host genus in the British Isles, but recorded on that host genus elsewhere.
Additional keys have been added which include host genera of miners not yet recorded on that host genus in the British Isles, but recorded on that host genus elsewhere.
There are now a total of 783 keys, which include 568 keys to known mining insects (Diptera and non-Diptera combined), whether their host genus is recorded in the British Isles or elsewhere, plus 107 keys to Diptera only and 107 keys to non-Diptera only, whether their host genus is recorded in the British Isles or elsewhere. 162 of the keys include only one miner.
The hosts and morphology of the mines of many species are as yet unknown and not all of the mines are illustrated yet. However, the project is ongoing and it is hoped that with your help the keys will improve over time as more information and images becomes available. It is recommended that, whenever possible, adults are reared and identified to be certain of the identity of the mines, most particularly if recording a significant new find. |
30 October 2015 - Images of larvae and pupae/puparia have been added to the Keys
Images of larvae and pupae/puparia (where they exist for species) have been added to the Keys |
25 October 2015 - Links to Fauna Europaea updated
All 2,616 links to Fauna Europaea for 1,105 taxa (not all miners) were checked and updated if they had changed since 2010.
The links to Fauna Europaea in the 'Distribution' section link the Fauna Europaea country distribution maps e.g. Cameraria ohridella have been updated. Note that Great Britain and Ireland are currently treated by Fauna Europaea as a single colour-coded country and taxa may not occur in both.
The links to Fauna Europaea in the 'External links section' link to Fauna Europaea's full search results, covering classification, synonymy, and links to country distibution tables and country maps e.g. Cameraria ohridella. |
16 October 2015 - Fauna Europaea maps removed for beetles and sawflies
Fauna Europaea country maps have been removed because they infringe copyright.
The maps include colour coding for countries, discrimating between 'Present', 'Absent', 'Doubtful' and 'No data'. However, absence can never be certain!
The unique numbers of many species have been changed since the links to Fauan Europaeae on this wesbite were first created and will need to be checked and updated. |
12 October 2015 - Fauna Europaea maps added for beetles and sawflies
Fauna Europaea country maps have been added, where available, for beetles and sawflies. Countries which are listed as 'Absent' or 'Doubtful' are ommitted from the maps. The maps are not updated dynamically, although a link is provided to the Fauna Europaea country map where 'Absent' or 'Doubtful' are included. |
08 October 2015- New host record
Mines and larvae recorded on Alnus, possibly glutinosa, in the Orkneys by Derek Mayes (pers. comm.) have been identified as Fenusa pumila |
07 October 2015 - New host record
Mines and larvae on Alnus viridis recorded from Orkney by Derek Mayes (pers. comm.), which given the time of year are most likely Scolioneura betuleti. |
05 October 2015 - Spilonota ocellana added
Spilonota ocellana, which is recorded on Hippophae and Myrica in continental Europe and elsewhere, was added. |
01 October 2015 - Images added
Images of the mines of Pegomya seitenstettensis on Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella), Zeugophera subspinosa on Populus, Lyonetia prunifoliella on Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), and Scythropia crataegella on Hawthorn (Crataegus) have been added. My thanks go to Gary Hedges, John Lamin, David Shenton and Ben Smart respectively for their permission to use them. |
01 October 2015 - Missing host plant added
The previously overlooked record of Phyllonorycter leucographella on Platanus in the British leafminers Newsletter 24 (October 2005) has been added to the species page and key. My thanks go to Andy Banthorpe for brinigng this to my attention via the British leafminers Facebook Group. |
28 September 2015 - Links to NHM UK Checklist added for flies
Links have been added for 452 of the 457 species of flies to the Natural History Museum's UK Checklist. For flies, the latter is based on Chandler, P.J., 1998, Checklists of Insects of the British Isles (New Series) Part 1: Diptera. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 12, 1-234. |
28 September 2015 - New host plant record
Following the discovery by Godfrey (2015) of Chromatomyia centaurii (as Phytomyza centaurii) on Gentiana tibetica (which was purchased from a nursery in southern Scoltand) in his garden near Goring Heath in Oxforshire, the keys to Centaurium and Gentiana and the Chromatomyia centaurii species page have been updated. |
24 September 2015 - Links to NHM UK Checklist added for beetles and sawflies
Links have been added for 37 of the 38 species of beetles to the Natural History Museum's UK Checklist. For beetles, the latter is based on Checklist of Beetles of the British Isles managed by Andrew Duff and published through the Coleopterist website.
Links have also been added for 27 of the 28 species of sawflies to the Natural History Museum's UK Checklist. For sawflies, the latter is based on Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera Symphyta, version 1. |
23 September 2015 - Links to NHM UK Checklist added for moths
Links have been added for 477 of the 483 species of moths to the Natural History Museum's UK Checklist. For moths, the latter is based on Bradley, J.D. (2000). Checklist of Lepidoptera Recorded from the British Isles. Second Edition (Revised). |
13 September 2015 - Pages redesigned
Embedded Interactive NBN Grid Map pages have been replaced with NBN Grid Map images accompanied by a link to the relevant Interactive NBN Grid Map page.
This has enabled reduction of the page width of the entire website from 1050 pixels to 820 pixels and should make them slightly easier to view on smaller screens.
Over 1, 000 NBN Grid Map images are included which display all publicly available records. The maps may appear blank if there are no publicly available records. The maps are dynamic and will show any publicly available records added in the future. |
07 September 2015 - Scythropia crataegella added
Scythropia crataegella on Cotoneaster, Crataegus, Malus, and Prunus has been added. The species has also been recorded on Pyrus in continental Europe. |
03 September 2015 - Embedded images of adult moths removed
The 228 embedded images of adult moths from UK Moths have been removed following a redesign of the UKMoths website since they no longer link. Links to relevant pages in UK Moths are, however, still included for 327 of the 482 species discussed. |
18 July 2015 - Additional host records for Ectoedemia sericopeza added
The overlooked records of Ectoedemia sericopeza on Field Maple (Acer campestre) and Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) in UKMoths and Norwegian moths and butterflies were added. The records on Field Maple (Acer campestre), however, require confirmation. |
17 July 2015 - New British host for Coleophora pennella
Coleophora pennella recorded on Cynoglossum officinale (see Beavan & Heckford, 2015 in a latest Ent. Rec.) was added (pers. comm. Rob Edmunds). |
17 July 2015 - Cystiphora sonchi on Sonchus added
The cecidomyiid Cystiphora sonchi on Sonchus was added. |
25 July 2015 - Monarthopalpus flavus on Buxus sempervirens added
The cecidomyiid Monarthopalpus flavus on Buxus sempervirens was added. |
21 July 2015 - Pegomyia bicolor on Fallopia added
Pegomya bicolor reared from Fallopia baldschuanicum (Russian-vine) by Andrew Graham (pers. comm. Rob Edmunds) has been added to the Keys. |
8 July 2015 - Links to UKMoths
Additional links to images of adult moths in UKMoths were added for 43 species.
A total of 228 images of adult moths from UKMoths are now reproduced in this website, courtesy of the photographers (see Acknowledgements). |
6 July 2015 - Links to Lepidoptera Dissection Group images
Additional links to images of male and female genitalia of moths by the Lepidoptera Dissection Group have been added. There are now links to images of the male and female genitalia of 230 species; links to images of male genitalia only of 92 species; links to images of female genitalia only of 11 species; and links to search for images of moth genitalia not yet illustrated by the Lepidoptera Dissection Group in case they are added in the future. |
2 July 2015 - Species added
Neocoenorrhinus pauxillus recorded on Crataegus, Mespilus and Prunus in Britain has been added and the relevant keys updated.
Links to Coleoptera in Inveterbrate Ireland were added for 20 of the 38 beetles. |
29 June 2015 - Links to BSBI Plant cribs
The BSBI provide a number of plant cribs which include notes on some families, many genera, species and subspecies which are more difficult to identify. Links to these plant cribs have been added for 193 of 882 host genera discussed in the Keys. |
25 June 2015 - Species added
Chyliza extenuata, which is said to live in the swollen underground stem of Orobanche rapum-genistae, a perennial root parasite of leguminous shrubs, especially Ulex europaeus and Cytisus scoparius, but also known to occur occasionally on Genista tinctoria, was added. It is not known whether it mines or not. |
25 June 2015 - Links to host plant distribution maps
External links for distribution maps of 291 of the 327 illustrated host species have been changed to link to the Online Atlas of the British and Irish flora, since the BSBI Grid Maps are no longer available online and access to its successor, the BSBI Distribution Database, requires registration and subsequent login.
Please note that the Online Atlas of the British and Irish flora is not kept up-to-date. |
21 June 2015 - Image added
The key to Ononis and the Liriomyza cicerina species page have been updated to include an image of the mine taken by John Martin. |
5 June 2015 - Facebook Group created
Facebook Group created. |
23 February 2015 - Species added
Phylonorycter pastorella discovered in London on Salix species and hybrids and known on Salix species and hybrids and Populus elsewhere was added. |
12 February 2015 - Record discounted
The record of Hydrellia mutata on ? Lemna by Irwin in Stubbs & Chandler (1978) is discounted. It was not included in the second edition of Stubbs & Chandler (2010). |
2019 : 2018 : 2017 : 2016 : 2015 : 2014 : 2013: 2012 : 2011 : 2010 : 2009 : 2008 : 2007 |