26th November 2013 - New host records added
The following host records have been added:- Aulagromyza luteoscutellata on Lonicera xylosteum; Phytomyza hellebori on Helleborus niger;
Phyllonorycter messaniella on Ostrya carpinifolia; Stigmella trimaculella on Populus x robusta and Elachista eleochariella on Carex panacea. The relevant keys to host plant genera have been updated.
7th November 2013 - Links to the NBN Gateway updated
Following the launch of the new NBN Gateway in October, all links to the old NBN Gateway have been updated to the new NBN Gateway. NBN Interactive maps have been replaced by the new NBN Grid Maps.
14th Ocotober 2013 - NBN Grid Maps replaced by NBN Interactive maps
NBN Grid Maps have been replaced by the old NBN Interactive maps. Where a species is not present in the NBN Gateway or where there is no map then the expression 'No map' is used. This is followed by a link to enable users to check if the species or map has been added since today.
14th September 2013 - Monochroa conspersella added
The gelechiid moth Monochroa conspersella has been added and the key to Lysimachia updated.
13th September 2013 - Sphaeroderma rubidum and Sphaeroderma testaceum added
The chrysomelid beetles Sphaeroderma rubidum and Sphaeroderma testaceum were added and the keys to Arctium, Carduus, Carthamus, Centaurea, Cirsium, Cynara, Onopordum, Serratula and Corylus updated
6th August 2013 - Keys to the mines on Orchis and Dactylorhiza updated
The keys to the mines on Orchis and Dactylorhiza have been updated to include the scatophagid Delina nigrita.
6th August 2013 - Host plant links to British Wild Flowers
Host plant links to British Wild Flowers by John Somerville et al., where they exist, have been added to the species pages of all remaining flies. Links will be added to moths in due course.
25th July 2013 - Image and desctiption of Pegomya seitenstettensis added
An image of the mine of Pegomya seitenstettensis on Oxalis acetosella from Snowdonia by Andy Banthorpe has been added along with a description of the mine from Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa.
24th July 2013 - Host plant links to British Wild Flowers
Host plant links to British Wild Flowers by John Somerville et al., where they exist, have been added to the species pages of all beetles, sawflies and fllies in genera beginning with A-L. Links will be added to other taxa in due course.
13th July 2013 - New British host records
Three new British host records, Scaptomyza flava on Pisum sativum, Chromatomyia horticola on Eruca, and Phyllonoryctor messaniella on Quercus suber have been added.
29th June 2013 - Host plant images added
A total 114 images of host plants, by my wife Linda, are now included, bringing the total number of host plant images to 319.
26th June 2013 - Key to Glasshouse and/or Quarantine Interceptions added
A key to the Liriomyza species recorded in Greenhouses and/or Quarantine Interceptions has been added and links to this have been included in all relevant keys.
24th June 2013 - Swammerdamia caesiella added
The yponomeutid Swammerdamia caesiella on Betula was added.
1st June 2013 - Species and host plant added
Thanks to Patrick Roper, the hoverfly Cheilosia caerulescens on House leeks (Sempervivum) has been added.
30th May 2013 - Host plant images added
A total 71 images of host plants, by my wife Linda, are now included, bringing the total number of host plant images to 276.
6th May 2013 - Keys and species accounts updated
Keys and species accounts have been updated to incorporate new host records, images and other details following British leafminers - Updates - April 2013.