December 2007 - Lepidoptera species - Coleotechnites piceaella
to Elachista utonella
further 80 Lepidoptera species pages (alphabetically by genus and
species from Coleotechnites piceaella to Elachista utonella)
have been updated to include (where known) descriptions of
mines, larvae, pupae, time of year and distribution in Great Britain,
Ireland and elsewhere, bringing together information from British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa, UKMoths and
Fauna Europaea.
Links have also been created to the appropriate NBN
Gateway grid map (where it exists) for each species.
December 2007 - Diptera - Links to NBN Gateway grid map
have been created to the appropriate NBN
Gateway grid map (where it exists) for every species of Diptera.
December 2007 - Lepidoptera species - Coleophora conyzae
to Coleophora wockeella
further 59 Lepidoptera species pages (alphabetically by genus and
species from Coleophora conyzae to Coleophora wockeella)
have been updated to include (where known) descriptions of
mines, larvae, pupae, time of year and distribution in Great Britain,
Ireland and elsewhere, bringing together information from British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa, UKMoths and
Fauna Europaea.
Links have also been created to the appropriate NBN
Gateway grid map (where it exists) for each of the above 59
species of Lepidoptera.
November 2007 - Lepidoptera species - Acrocercops brongniardella
to Coleophora conspicuella
80 Lepidoptera species pages (alphabetically by genus and species
from Acrocercops brongniardella to Coleophora conspicuella)
have been updated to include (where known) descriptions of mines,
larvae, pupae, time of year and distribution in Great Britain, Ireland
and elsewhere, bringing together information from British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa, UKMoths and
Fauna Europaea.
Links have also been created to the appropriate NBN
Gateway grid map (where it exists) for each of the above 80
species of Lepidoptera.
November 2007 - Coleoptera species
pages have been created for all mining Coleoptera. These species
pages include a list of the known host genera and species recorded
in Britain and elsewhere plus links to British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa and Fauna
Europaea and links to search for species using Google and Google
Scholar. Links from the host plant keys for the above Coleoptera
species have also been created.
November 2007 - Hymenoptera species
pages have been created for all mining Hymenoptera. These species
pages include a list of the known host genera and species recorded
in Britain and elsewhere plus links to British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa and Fauna
Europaea and links to search for species using Google and Google
Scholar. Links from the host plant keys for the above Hymenoptera
species have also been created.
November 2007 - Lepidoptera species - remaining species
pages have been created for all remaining mining Lepidoptera.
These species pages include a list of the known host genera and
species recorded in Britain and elsewhere plus links to British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa, UKMoths and
Fauna Europaea
and links to search for species using Google and Google Scholar.
Links from the host plant keys for the above Lepidoptera species
have also been created.
October 2007 - Lepidoptera species - Elachista adscitella
to Elachista utonella
pages have been created for all mining Lepidoptera alphabetically
by genus from Elachista
adscitella to Elachista
utonella. These species pages include a list of the known
host genera and species recorded in Britain and elsewhere plus links
to British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa, UKMoths and
Fauna Europaea
and links to search for species using Google and Google Scholar.
Links from the host plant keys for the above Lepidoptera species
have also been created.
September 2007 - Lepidoptera species - Acrocercops brongniardella
to Ectoedemia weaveri
pages have been created for all mining Lepidoptera alphabetically
by genus from Acrocercops
brongniardella to Ectoedemia
These species pages include a list of the known host genera and
species recorded in Britain and elsewhere plus links to British
Leafminers, Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa, UKMoths and
Fauna Europaea
and links to search for species using Google and Google Scholar.
Links from the host plant keys for the above Lepidoptera species
have also been created.
for all known British non-dipterous miners have been created with
links to the Lepidoptera species pages. The Diptera checklists have
been updated to include original combinations as well as synonyms.
September 2007 - Hosts - Common Names Index
common name index updated for hosts A - Z.
August 2007 - Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera Host Genera
of the non-dipterous leaf-miners recorded in Britain added for all
host genera from F - Z. Additional host genera pages added for non-dipterous
miners and host scientific name index updated.
August 2007 - Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera Host Genera
of the non-dipterous leaf-miners recorded in Britain added for all
host genera from A - E. Additional host genera pages added for non-dipterous
miners and host scientific name index updated.
site renamed as 'The leaf and stem mines of British flies and other
insects' by Brian Pitkin and Colin Plant.
August 2007 - Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera added to keys
of the non-dipterous leaf-miners recorded in Britain are being added
under the relevant host genus. The host associations are from the
Leafminers website, combining the lists compiled as a precursor
to AIDGAP keys TO LEAF MINERS by Brian Pitkin and Colin Plant and
those cited on the individual species pages by Rob Edmunds.
lists include external links (where they exist) to relevant pages
on other websites. The linked pages on the British
Leafminers and Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa websites usually include one or more images of a
mine. Together these linked pages should provide a means of identifying
the mines of the majority (>70%) of the known non-dipterous leaf-miners
recorded in Britain.
linked pages on Fauna
Europaea do not include images, but do include classification,
synonymy and distribution in Europe and elsewhere.
July 2007 - Test version launched
version was launched as 'The leaf and stem mines of British flies'
by Brian Pitkin.