CHANGES - 2016 |
2019 : 2018 : 2017 : 2016 : 2015 : 2014 : 2013: 2012 : 2011 : 2010 : 2009 : 2008 : 2007 |
2 June 2016 - Parasitoid subfamily designations added
The subfamily designations of all British and Irish parasitoids (Chalcidoidea and Ichneumonoidae) of British and Irish miners have been added to the species pages. There are currently a total of 3,332 host - parasitoid partnerships, although those for Chalcidoidea are currently being updated. |
27 May 2016 - Ichneumonid Parasitoid updates
More than 2,500 species of British and Irish ichneumonid parasitoid have been recorded on British and Irish miners. All paraditoids and their hosts have now been updated following the most recent version of the Checklist of British and Irish Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) by Gavin R. Broad (March 2016, see Ichneumonidae.
About 10% of the British and Irish miners have Ichneumonidae parasitoids; about 63% of the British and Irish miners have Ichneumonidae partners listed in Yu (2012) but these do not include British and Irish miners; about 26% of the British and Irish Ichneumonidae have no partners listed in Yu (2012); and about 1.4% have no known partners as they were described post-2012 or are in preparation. A total of 687 ichneumonid/miner relationships are included.
At present, of the 1,103 British and Irish miners discussed here 387 (c. 35%) have no known Hymenoptera parasitoids, although it is likely that most of them are yet to be discovered.
Athough it is disappointing when you find a mine and attempt to rear out the miner only to find that it has been parasitised, it is wlll worth preserving the parasitoids either dry or in alcohol and forwarding them, with all the available data, to an expert (not me) for identification. Only by doing so can we all learn more about the relationships between miners and their parasitoids. |
27 May 2016 - Trachys troglodytes and subglaber
Trachys troglodytes has been recognised as comprising two species - Trachys troglodytes, from E. Kent, W. Kent, W. Suffolk and Trachys subglaber from W. Cornwal, E. Cornwall, S. Devon, S. Wiltshire, Dorset, Isle of Wight, S. Hants, W. Sussex, E. Sussex, E. Kent, S. Essex, Hertfordshire, E. Suffolk, E. Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, E. Gloucestershire, Glamorgan, Merionethshire, S.E. Yorkshire, N.E. Yorkshire. The two species are distinguished by the male aedeagus. Trachys subglaber apparently mines Succisa pratensis, and T. troglodytes mines Knautia spp. including field scabious K. arvensis and Scabiosa spp. including small scabious Scabiosa columbaria (Levey, B. 2012. The Coleopterist 21(2): 67-72).
I haven't yet split the two species, but have added this comment to the species page and in the key. |
15 May 2016 - NBN Grid Maps - Fly Map image names checked
All 456 Fly Grid Map image names have now been checked. None required updating. The advisory note referred to below has been removed from these and replaced with 'Maps are only displayed if the NBN server is active. N.B. Only publicly available records, if any, are shown by default.' The latest data is now available from the NBN Gateway |
13 May 2016 - NBN Grid Maps - Sawfly Map image names checked
All 27 Sawfly Grid Map image names have now been checked. None required updating. The advisory note referred to below has been removed from these and replaced with 'Maps are only displayed if the NBN server is active. N.B. Only publicly available records, if any, are shown by default.' . The latest data is now available from the NBN Gateway |
13 May 2016 - NBN Grid Maps - Beetle Map image names checked
All 38 Beetle Grid Map image names have now been checked. None required updating. The advisory note referred to below has been removed from these and replaced with 'Maps are only displayed if the NBN server is active. N.B. Only publicly available records, if any, are shown by default.' . The latest data is now available from the NBN Gateway |
13 May 2016 - NBN Grid Maps - Moth Map image names updated
All 477 Moth NBN Grid Map image names have now been checked and updated if necessary. The advisory note referred to below has been removed from these and replaced with 'Maps are only displayed if the NBN server is active. N.B. Only publicly available records, if any, are shown by default.' The latest data is now available from the NBN Gateway |
13 May 2016 - NBN Grid Maps
Today I discovered that NBN had renamed many of the Grid Map images, which are hard coded into the species pages on this website. Any Grid Map image name that had been changed resulted in a blank outline map being displayed on the species pages on this website, even if a species had been recorded in one or more 10 Km squares. I have updated the legend of all NBN Grid Map images to include an advisory note 'If the map outline is visible but the map has no yellow squares, click on the NBN Grid Map link above to double check (NBN has renamed some Grid Maps)'.
I have begun the process of manually checking the 999 embedded NBN Grid Map image names on this website and, where necessary, updating them. |
Once the NBN Grid Map image name has been updated the distribution is displayed as yellow 10 Km squares (N.B. publically available records only and only if the NBN Gateway server is active - at weekends the Grid Map images are often unavailable). |
15 April 2016 - Ichneumonid Parasitoid updates
The British and Irish ichneumonid parasitoids of miners have been updated and additional species are being added following the most recent version of the Checklist of British and Irish Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) by Gavin R. Broad (March 2016). See Ichneumonidae.
I am grateful to Gavin for making this available to me. |
03 April 2016 - Braconid Parasitoid updates
The names of British and Irish braconid parasitoids of miners have been updated and additional species have been added following the most recent version of the Checklist of British and Irish Braconidae (Hymenoptera) by Gavin R. Broad, Mark R. Shaw and H. Charles J. Godfray (March 2016). See Braconidae.
I am grateful to Gavin for making this available to me. |
27 March 2016 - Braconid Parasitoid updates
Links to the British and Irish braconid parasitoids in World Ichneumonoidea have been added for all miner hosts (where known) (e.g Liriomyza strigata). |
18 February 2016 - Keys to Leycesteria, Lonicera and Symphoricarpos updated
The keys to Leycesteria, Lonicera and Symphoricarpos have been updated to include the probable winter form of Chromatomyia aprilina. |
26 January 2016 - Summary Spreadsheet and pdf updated
The spreadsheet and pdf summarising the known host genera of British miners has been updated to include all host genera of miners not yet recorded on that host genus in the British Isles, but recorded on that host genus elsewhere.
The summary now includes 3,897 records of 885 miners on 687 host genera.
You can download the spreadsheet at British_Host_genera_v_2.xls.
Once you 'Enable editing' you can sort the list to suit your own requirements.
The pdf can be downloaded from and saved to a portable device such as a laptop, tablet or kindle for use offline in the field |
2019 : 2018 : 2017 : 2016 : 2015 : 2014 : 2013: 2012 : 2011 : 2010 : 2009 : 2008 : 2007 |