(Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera)
Brian Pitkin, Willem Ellis, Colin Plant and Rob Edmunds
Key for the identification of the known mines of British
Diptera recorded on Aster
Note: Diptera larvae may live in a corridor mine, a corridor-blotch mine, or a blotch mine, but never in a case, a rolled or folded leaf, a tentiform mine or sandwiched between two more or less circular leaf sections in later instars. Pupation never in a cocoon. All mining Diptera larvae are leg-less maggots without a head capsule (see examples). They never have thoracic or abdominal legs. They do not have chewing mouthparts, although they do have a characteristic cephalo-pharyngeal skeleton (see examples), usually visible internally through the body wall. The larvae lie on their sides within the mine and use their pick-like mouthparts to feed on plant tissue. In some corridor miners frass may lie in two rows on alternate sides of the mine. In order to vacate the mine the fully grown larva cuts an exit slit, which is usually semi-circular (see Liriomyza huidobrensis video). The pupa is formed within the hardened last larval skin or puparium and as a result sheaths enclosing head appendages, wings and legs are not visible externally (see examples).
See Key to non-Diptera.
1a >Stem-miner: A
narrow, inconspicuous stem mine. Pupation at the end of the mine
(Spencer, 1976: 64).
upper- or lower-surface corridor, ending in a thick vein. From there
the mine extends finally to the rind of the stem. There also the
pupation takes place, usually not far from the root collar. Mines
in the stem rind often are conspicuous through a red discoloration. |
On Achillea, Achillea millefolium and possibly Anthemis,
Matricaria and Medicago sativa, but not yet on Aster, in Britain. In Britain widespread in south, not uncommon. On Anthemis, Achillea, Artemisia, Aster, Centaurea, Clinopodium, Crepis, Hieracium, Matricaria, Reichardia, Solidago, Tanacetum, Tripleurospermum, Medicago, Satureja and Stachys elsewhere. Widespread in continental Europe.
curvipalpis (Zetterstedt, 1848) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
1b > Leaf-miner |
2 |
2# > Leaf-miner: Details unknown. |
On Solidago, but not yet on Aster, in Britain. Aberdeen (Craigendorrach) (Ackland,
1989); South Aberdeen (NBN Gateway). Continental Europe including ? Germany and Sweden
(Michelsen in Fauna
depressiventris (Zetterstedt, 1845) [Diptera:
Anthomyiidae]. |
2a > Leaf-miner: Corridor mine following the mid-rib, with lateral offshoots. |
3 |
2b > Leaf-miner: Mine not primarily above midrib. |
4 |
3a > Leaf-miner: A distinctive mine primarily above mid-rib, with irregular short
lateral offshoots into leaf blade. Pupation external (Spencer, 1972:
51 (fig. 172), 55; Spencer, 1976:
270, 271 (fig. 486)).
whitish, upper-surface corridor; main axis overlying the midrib;
side branches overlying the main lateral veins. (In Campanula and Phyteuma the mine is much less branched, sometimes nothing
more than a corridor on top of the midrib). Frass in rather long
strings. Usually the mines begins as a long and narrow, shallow,
tortuous lower-surface corridor that ends upon the midrib but otherwise
is not associated with the leaf venation. Often this initial corridor
is filled with callus, and then even less conspicuous. Pupation
outside the mine.
linear mine on the upper surface, usually following the midrib and
showing side branches along the veins. The frass is in strings. |
Polyphagous. On more than 40 host genera in 15 families, including Aster, in Britain. Widespread
throughout Britain. Also recorded in the Republic of Ireland.
Widespread in continental Europe.
Liriomyza strigata (Meigen, 1830) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
3b > Leaf-miner: Broad corridor overlying the midrib. The mine has a number of side
branches that distally widen strongly, and may coalesce. Primary
and secondary feeding lines very conspicuous. Pupation external, in soil. |

of Cornutrypeta spinifrons on Senecio ovalis
Image: © Willem Ellis (Bladmineerders van Europa) |
On Aster and Solidago in Britain and possibly
also Cirsium elsewhere. In Britain Recently recorded only
from Kent and Perth. There are old records (pre-1960) for Hereford
and Lancaster.
spinifrons (Schroeder, 1913) [Diptera: Tephritidae]. |
4a > Leaf-miner: Pupation internal, at the end of the mine. |
5 |
4b > Leaf-miner: Pupation external. |
6 |
5a > Leaf-miner: Mine narrow, irregular linear; initially on lower surface but mainly
upper surface. Pupation internal (Spencer, 1972b: 87).
lower-surface, later upper-surface corridor, not appreciably widening
towards the end. Corridor often strongly contorted. Frass in rather
coarse grains, irregularly scattered. Pupation in the mine. |
On Aster in Britain and elsewhere. Widespread around coasts
in Britain. Also recorded in the Republic of Ireland and Widespread
in continental Europe.
asteris (Hendel, 1934) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
5b > Leaf-miner: Mine linear, whitish, both upper and lower surface. Pupation internal,
at the end of the mine with the anterior spiracles projecting through
the epidermis (Spencer, 1976:
less often lower-surface corridor. Frass in isolated grains. Pupation
within the mine, usually in a lower-surface puparial chamber.
A long whitish upper surface corridor, which eventually goes lower surface. |
highly polyphagous species of Chromatomyia, with indistinguishable
mines, have been recorded in Britain. These are syngenesiae (Hardy) and horticola (Goureau, 1851) which can only be distinguished by the male genitalia. Both species are widespread in Britain and elsewhere, although syngenesiae is almost entirely restricted to Asteraceae. Records on Asteraceae not based on examination of male genitalia are treated in this account as Chromatomyia 'atricornis'.
Chromatomyia 'atricornis' has been recorded on Aster in Britain.
syngenesiae is recorded on Aster elsewhere but not yet on Asterin Britain.
horticola (Goureau, 1851) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]
syngenesiae Hardy, 1849 [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
5c > Leaf-miner: A
long, winding leaf-mine on the upper surface of the leaf, with frass
widely-spaced in conspicuous black lumps. Pupation internal, at
the end of mine (Spencer, 1972b:
28 (fig. 68), 29). |
On Solidago, but not yet on Aster, in Britain. On Aster, Callistephus, Erigeron,
Sonchus, Solidago and Taraxacum elsewhere. Only recorded
from Kent, Derby, Warwick and East Kent in Britain. Widespread
in much of Europe. Also recorded in Japan, Canada and the U.S.A.
maura (Meigen, 1838) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
6a > Leaf-miner: A linear mine commencing with a conspicuous regular spiral and then
continuing a considerable distance more or less straight (Spencer,
1976: 245).
corridor. The first part is wound in a dense spiral that quickly
turns brown. The spiral continues in a long, generally unbranched
corridor that maintains almost the same width. Frass in long thick
strings. When the mine is positioned near the leaf margin the spiral
part may be missing; the thick frass strings then are sufficiently
characteristic. Pupation outside the mine; exit slit in lower epidermis.
Long upper surface gallery starting with a spiral of 6 to 8 turns (as shown). Frass in conspicuous narrow linear lines. |
On Aster, Eupatorium, Helianthus, Lapsana and Solidago [Asteraceae] and Galeopsis [Lamiaceae] in Britain and continental
Europe. Widespread in England. Also recorded in the Republic of
Ireland. Widespread in continental Europe and recorded in Canada.
eupatorii (Kaltenbach, 1873) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
1b > Leaf-miner: A
narrow upper surface linear branching mine without apparent feeding
lines. Frass in isolated grains and pearl chains. At least in Erigeron older mines turn reddish-brown. Pupation external (Spencer,
1976: 413. |
On Erigeron acer and Erigeron canadensis, but not yet on Aster, in Britain
and additional genera of Asteraceae elsewhere. Known only from
Warwick in Britain. Widespread in continental Europe.
erigerophila Hering, 1927 [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
6c > Leaf-miner: An irregular linear mine, which in small leaves can
form a secondary blotch. Puparium orange |
On Aster, Bellis and Solidago in Britain and additional
genera of Asteraceae elsewhere. Widespread in Britain. Also recorded
in the Republic of Ireland. Widespread and common in much of continental Europe.
pusilla (Meigen, 1830) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
6d > Leaf-miner: A
short linear mine in first instar, later producing a circular or
oval blotch. Frass is excreted in a black mass prior to pupation;
puparium firmly glued with frass within the mine (Spencer,
1976: 306).
whitish, upper-surface blotch, preceded by a short corridor that
often is overrun later by the developing blotch. The larva hardly
produces any frass; the few grains that are present are black and
rather coarse. But when the larva is about to pupate, it empties
its intestine, which has the effect that the puparium is anchored
in the mine by dried frass.
The initial gallery by the first instar larva then leads to a whitish blotch. The puparium is fixed to the inside of the mine by an accumulation of frass. |
On Aster, Bellis and Erigeron in Britain and
additional genera of Asteraceae elsewhere. Widespread in southern
England and continental Europe. Also recorded in Canada, Argentina, South
Africa, India, Australia and Papua New Guinea.
humeralis (von Roser, 1840) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
6e > Leaf-miner: The
pale-coloured mine runs on the upper side irregularly to the sides,
in the middle with blackish spots, where the frass is deposited.
It starts in the center of a leaf and without a small mine leading
to a large mine. Many mines in a leaf could finally cover the whole
leaf. |

of Pegomya nigrisquama
Image: © Rob Edmunds (British
leafminers) |
On Aster and Solidago in Britain and elsewhere. Rarely
found in the the UK. Recorded from Somerset, Oxford, Suffolk and
Cambridge and West Kent. Also recorded in continental Europe.
nigrisquama (Stein, 1888) [Diptera: Anthomyiidae]. |
6f > Leaf-miner: The
mine begins as a long, quite narrow corridor, usually not far from
the tip of a leaf segment. Usually this corridor follows the leaf
margin for some distance, but it may also run freely through the
blade and may then be stongly contorted. In the end the corridor
is directed towards the midrib, where an elongated blotch is formed,
overlying the midrib and some of the larger lateral veins. Frass
in a nearly continuous line in the initial corridor, in scattered
lumps in the later part of the mine. Primary and secondary feeding
lines very conspicuous when seen in transparancy. Pupation outside
the mine.
The mine starts as a very narrow corridor, usually close to the tip of a leaf segment and following the leaf margin. The later section of the corridor approaches the main vein, where an elongated blotch is made with long broad finger like extensions that lay over the secondary veins. In the initial corridor the frass forms an almost continuous line, in the blotch it is distributed in large scattered lumps. In fresh mines the secondary feeding lines are clearly visible. |
numerous genera of Asteraceae, including Aster, in Britain. Throughout the British Isles, more
common in the south than the north. Also continental Europe.
zoe Meigen, 1826 [Diptera: Tephritidae]. |
6g > Leaf-miner: A large, brownish blotch, with conspicuous feeding lines. Pupation
external (Spencer, 1972b:
62 (fig. 205), 63; Spencer, 1976:
308, 309 (fig. 557)).
brown, upper-surface blotch with conspicuous primary and secondary
feeding lines. The feeding lines are the more apparent because the
semiliquid frass adheres to them. Pupation outside the mine; exit
slit in the upper epidermis.
A short broad gallery, normally at the margin, leading to a blotch with obvious feeding lines in whorls. Mines go brown. |
On Solidago canadensis and Solidago virgaurea, but not yet on Aster, in Britain.
On Aster, Baccharis, Buphthalum, Erectites and Soligago elsewhere.
posticata (Meigen, 1830) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
Key for the identification of the known mines of British
non-Diptera recorded on Aster
The larvae of mining Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera may live in a corridor mine, a corridor-blotch mine, a blotch mine, a case, a rolled or folded leaf, a tentiform mine or sandwiched between two more or less circular leaf sections in later instars. Larva may pupate in a silk cocoon. The larva may have six legs (although they may be reduced or absent), a head capsule and chewing mouthparts with opposable mandibles (see video of a gracillarid larva feeding). Larvae of Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera usually also have abdominal legs (see examples). Frass, if present, never in two rows. Unless feeding externally from within a case the larva usually vacates the mine by chewing an exit hole. Pupa with visible head appendages, wings and legs which lie in sheaths (see examples).
1# > ? Leaf-miner: Details unknown. |
On Solidago, but not yet on Arnica, in Britain. Aberdeen (Craigendorrach) (Ackland,
1989); South Aberdeen (NBN Gateway). Continental Europe including ? Germany and Sweden
(Michelsen in Fauna
depressiventris (Zetterstedt, 1845) [Diptera:
Anthomyiidae]. |
1a > Leaf miner and case-bearer: The larva lives outside the mine, protected by a case, and feeds on the underlying plant tissues via a hole cut in the epidermis. Mine does not contain frass |
1b > Leaf-miner,
but not a case-bearer: The larva lives inside the mine. Mine usually contains frass |
2a > Leaf-miner
and case-bearer: A relatively large (12-15 mm), dark brown, lightly curved two-valved
sheath case with a narrow ventral keel. Mouth angle 30-45. |
On Centaurea nigra, but not yet on Aster, in Britain and Aster, Centaurea,
Chrysanthemum and Scabiosa elsewhere. Recorded from
South Essex in Britain. Widespread in continental Europe.
conspicuella Zeller, 1849 [Lepidoptera:
Coleophoridae]. |
2b > Leaf-miner
and case-bearer: Tubular silken case, up to 8 mm long. Behind the mouth the case
is sharply bent; as a result the mouth angle is 0° and is the
case aprressed to the substrate. |
On Aster tripolium in Britain and Aster linosyris, Aster
sedifolius and Aster tripolium elsewhere. Distribution in
Britain unknown. Widespread in continental Europe.
linosyridella Fuchs, 1880 [Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae]. |
2c > Leaf-miner
and case-bearer: Tubular silk case, about 9 mm long, trivalved, with a mouth angle
of about 20°. |
On Bellis perennis and Solidago virgaurea, but not yet on Aster, in Britain
and Aster amellus, Aster linosyris, Bellis perennis, Hieracium and Solidago virgaurea elsewhere. North Hants in Britain.
Widespread in continental Europe.
ramosella Zeller, 1849 [Lepidoptera:
Coleophoridae]. |
2d > Leaf-miner
and case-bearer: A straw-coloured, slender, three-valved tubular silken case; length
about 10 mm, mouth angle 45° - 60°. Larva on the leaf underside.
Perhaps because of the plant's dense felt cover, the case is attached
with much silk, giving the holes a conspicuous white margin. |
On Achillea millefolium, Artemisia absinthium, Artemisia vulgaris,
Aster, Leucanthemum vulgare, Tanacetum vulgare and possibly Hieracium in Britain and Achillea millefolium, Artemisia
absinthium, Artemisia vulgaris, Leucanthemum vulgare, Tanacetum
vulgare elsewhere. Widespread in Britain although there aren't
many records. Widespread in continental Europe.
trochilella (Duponchel, 1843) [Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae]. |
3a > Leaf-miner: Rather long full depth corridor that winds freely through the leaf
and may cross itself. In the end the corridor widens considerably.
Frass mostly in a narrow central line, but may also be deposited
along the sides or be missing. The larvae regular leave a mine to
restart elsewhere. Pupation outside the mine. Neither larva or
mine can be distinguished from that of related species. |
Polyphagous. On numerous genera and species in several plant families, including Aster, in Britain and elsewhere. Widespread in Britain
and continental Europe.
orbiculata (Marsham, 1802) [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae]. |
3b > Leaf-miner: The
larva creates a narrow gallery containing black or brownish frass,
and subsequently one or more shorter mines or windows.
first a long, narrow, corridor with brown or black frass in a central
line; the mine may be upper- or lower-surface of even interparenchymatous,
and often enters the cortex of the stem. After some time this mine
is vacated and the larva starts making several short full depth
blotches. Some larvae keep this habit until short before pupation,
others soon begin window-feeding. The larva pupates in a white ribbed cocoon and is illustrated in UKMoths. |
On Aster tripolium in Britain and elsewhere. A relatively
common species around the coastal saltings of England, Wales and
Ireland. Widespread in continental Europe.
maritima Stainton, 1851 [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae]. |
3c > Leaf-miner: In the first instar the larva mines the leaves, forming short,
irregular, blotch-like mines, but in later instars it lives externally,
feeding in spun leaves and often twisting those of tender shoots. Larval head light-brown or yellowish brown, edged with black postero-laterally,
ocellar area blackish; prothoracic plate black edged with whitish
anteriorly; abdomen dull dark green; pinacula distinct, black,
sometimes brownish but with black bases to setae; anal plate large,
black (Bradley et al., 1973).
full depth mine without a definite shape; little frass. Some silk
is deposited in the mine. The larva soon leaves the mine and continues
feeding among spun leaves. |
Polyphagous. On numerous genera and species of plant families, but not yet
on Aster, in Britain. On numerous genera and
species of plant families including Aster elsewhere. Widespread
in Britain and continental Europe. Also recorded from the Channel
incertana (Treitschke, 1835) [Lepidoptera: Tortricidae]. |
3d > Leaf-miner: Rather narrow corridor, untidy and sometimes branched, starting
from the base of the leaf, in particular the midrib. Sides of the
corridor irregularly eaten out, not really parallel. Frass mostly
present, and then in a central line. The larva is capable of leaving the mine and start a new one elsewhere. These later mines are much broader, and the frass is scattered irregularly.. |

Mine of Orthochaetes
insignis on Prunella vulgaris
Image: © Jean-Yves Baugnée (Bladmineerders van Europa) |
plants unknown in Britain. On numerous genera and species in several plant families, including Aster, elsewhere.
Recorded in southern England. Widespread in continental Europe.
insignis (Aube, 1863) [Coleoptera: Curculionidae]. |
3e > Leaf-miner: Long, extremely narrow lower- or upper-surface corridor, with
a black or brown central frass line. After a while this primary
mine is vacated, and the larva starts making shorter, much broader,
full depth blotch mines. In the end the larva lives free among spun
On ? Aster tripolium, ? Suaeda maritima in Britain and Salicornia europaea elsewhere. Found on saltings in England and Wales. Widespread in continental Europe.
salinella (Zeller, 1847) [Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae].
3f > Leaf-miner: Larvae
in blotch-like mines. Most frass is ejected through a small opening
in the mine. Fresh mines are very difficult to find. The larvae
can leave their mine and restart elsewhere. Pupation external in a mud-covered cocoon on the ground.
On ? Aster tripolium, ? Suaeda maritima in Britain
and Salicornia europaea elsewhere. Found on saltings
in England and Wales. Widespread in continental Europe.
instabilella (Douglas, 1846) [Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae]. |