(Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera)
Brian Pitkin, Willem Ellis, Colin Plant and Rob Edmunds
Anemones. [Ranunculaceae]
Anemone (A. nemorosa) is the only native species of Anemone
recorded in Britain. Introductions include Blue Anemone (A. apennina),
Balkan Anemone (A. blanda),
Japanese anemone (A. hupehensis) and Yellow Anemone (A. ranunculoides).
Three British miners are recorded on Anemone.
A key to the European miners recorded on Anemone is provided in Bladmineerders van Europa.
Anemone nemorosa |
Key for the identification of the known mines of British
insects (Diptera and non-Diptera) recorded on Anemone
1a > Leaf-miner: Mine
linear but normally developing into secondary blotch, feeding confined
to apex of a leaf segment (Spencer, 1972b: 70 (fig. 225); Spencer,
1976: 374, 375 (fig. 652)). Pupation normally external, but
Lundquist (1947) records
that 8 of 10 larvae pupariumted in the mine in Sweden. |
On Anemone in Britain and elsewhere. Widespread in England
and continental Europe. Also recorded in the Republic of Ireland
anemones Hering, 1925 [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
1b > Leaf-miner: Mine
narrow, whitish, linear, normally adjoining margin of leaf; in small
leaves can become blotch-like (Spencer, 1972b: 91 (fig. 305); Spencer,
1976: 427, 429 (fig. 746)). |

of Phytomyza hendeli on Anemone nemerosa
Image: © Patrick Roper (British
leafminers) |
On Anemone in Britain and elsewhere. Somerset, East Kent and
East Sussex in Britain. Widespread in central and western Europe.
hendeli Hering, 1923 [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
1c > Leaf-miner: Larva
forms a conspicuous white linear mine with frass in closely adjoining
grains. Pupation external (Spencer, 1972b:70 (figs 229-230A), 75; Spencer,
1976: 481, 483 (figs. 846, 848A)).
long, somewaht untidy, upper-surface corridor. Frass in many small
grains that are close together of form pearl chains. Pupation outside
the mine.
The frass, in the long upper-surface white corridor, look like strings of pearls. P.ranunculivora makes similar long linear mines but in this species the frass grains are separate.
mine is also illustrated in the Encyclopedia
of Life. |

Phytomyza ranunculi puparium
Image: © Willem Ellis (Bladmineerders van Europa) |
On Ranunculus acris, Ranunculus bulbosus, Ranunculus ficaria,
Ranunculus flammula, Ranunculus lingua, Ranunculus repens and
Ranunculus sardous, but not yet
on Anemone, in Britain and additional Ranunculus and Mysourus elsewhere. Common and widespread throughout England and
Scotland in Britain. Widespread throughout Europe, ange extending
to the Kirghiz Republic of the [former] U.S.S.R. Also recorded
in Canada, Chile and Japan.
ranunculi (Schrank, 1803) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
1c > Leaf-miner: Oviposition
at the underside of a thick vein. From this point the larva makes
a corridor that quickly widens into a full depth blotch, mostly
in the distal half of the leaf. Frass initially in a central line,
further on in scattered lumps. There is normally one mine per leaf.
The larvae of sawflies have at least six thoracic legs (although they may be reduced or absent), a head capsule and chewing mouthparts with opposable mandibles but no abdominal legs. |
On Anemone in Britain and elsewhere. Distibution in Britain
unknown. Widespread in continental Europe.
anemones (Hering, 1925) [Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae]. |