larvae make small, brown, full depth blotch mines without frass
in the young leaves, from within the protection of a spinning. Later
they cause upper-surface window feeding, while hidden among spun
leaves (Bladmineerders van Europa).
Larva: The larvae of moths have a head capsule and chewing mouthparts with opposable mandibles (see video of a gracillarid larva feeding), six thoracic legs and abdominal legs (see examples).
Body dull brownish green, five purplish-brown length lines; second
thoracic segment dark purplish-brown; pinnacula small, black; prolegs
concolorous with body. Head, prothoracic and anal plates, and thoracic
legs black (Heckford, 1955a). Jansen (199a) adds that some larvae
have a brown, rather than green body (Bladmineerders van Europa).
Pupa: The pupae of moths have visible head appendages, wings and legs which lie in sheaths (see examples).
See Patocka and Turcáni (2005a) (Bladmineerders van Europa).
The adult is illustrated in UKMoths.
The species is included in mothdissection.co.uk.
Possibly also Mentha. References to Achillea, Artemisia
campestris, Centaurea panicalta, C. stoebe (Acosta rhenana)
and Thymus serpyllum are incorrect, probably partly caused
by confusion with Scrobipalpula psilella (Bladmineerders van Europa).
Hosts in Great Britain and Ireland:
Hosts elsewhere:
of year - larvae: May-June (Bland et al., 2002a).
of year - adults: June and July (UKMoths).
in Great Britain and Ireland: Present over much of Britain
including Anglesey, Berkshire, Breconshire, Caernarvonshire, Cardiganshire, Carmarthenshire, Denbighshire,
Derbyshire, Durham, East Cornwall, East Kent, East Norfolk, Easterness, Flintshire, Glamorgan, Haddington, Hertfordshire, Kincardineshire, Merionethshire,
North Ebudes, North Essex, North Somerset, Pembrokeshire, South Aberdeenshire, Stafford, West Cornwall,
West Lancashire, West Norfolk, West Suffolk, and Westmorland (NBN
dry and sandy places where the foodplant abounds (UKMoths).
recorded in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (Fauna Europaea and National Biodiversity Data Centre Map).
elsewhere: Widespread in continental Europe including Albania,
Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Corsica, Croatia, Czech Republic,
Danish mainland, Estonia, Finland, French mainland, Germany, Greek
mainland, Hungary, Italian mainland, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia,
Poland, Romania, Russia - Central, East, Northwest and South, Sardinia,
Sicily, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spanish mainland, Sweden, Switzerland,
The Netherlands, Ukraine and Yugoslavia (Fauna Europaea).
NBN Atlas links to known host species:
British and Irish Parasitoids in Britain and elsewhere: Currently unknown. |