(Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera)
Brian Pitkin, Willem Ellis, Colin Plant and Rob Edmunds
Key for the identification of the known mines of British
insects (Diptera and non-Diptera) recorded on Lamiastrum
1a > Leaf-miner: A distinctive mine primarily above mid-rib, with irregular short
lateral offshoots into leaf blade. Pupation external (Spencer, 1972:
51 (fig. 172), 55; Spencer, 1976:
270, 271 (fig. 486)).
whitish, upper-surface corridor; main axis overlying the midrib;
side branches overlying the main lateral veins. (In Campanula and Phyteuma the mine is much less branched, sometimes nothing
more than a corridor on top of the midrib). Frass in rather long
strings. Usually the mines begins as a long and narrow, shallow,
tortuous lower-surface corridor that ends upon the midrib but otherwise
is not associated with the leaf venation. Often this initial corridor
is filled with callus, and then even less conspicuous. Pupation
outside the mine.
linear mine on the upper surface, usually following the midrib and
showing side branches along the veins. The frass is in strings. |
Polyphagous. On more than 40 host genera in 15 families, but not yet on Lamiastrum, in Britain,. Widespread
throughout Britain. Also recorded in the Republic of Ireland.
Widespread in continental Europe.
Liriomyza strigata (Meigen, 1830) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
1b > Leaf-miner: A
blotch-mine invariably adjoining margin of leaf (Spencer,
1976: 110, fig. 105).
yet rather deep, therefore quite transparent, blotch, always along
the leaf margin, generally in the distal half of the leaf. The blotch
is preceded by a short and broad corridor, most of the time overrun
later. Four to eight larvae may co-occur in a leaf. Pupation outside
the mine, exit slit in lower epidermis.
Puparium reddish
brown or reddish-orange |
On Glechoma and Lamium in Britain and Lamium and Lamiastrum elsewhere. Uncommon in Britain - Bucks,
Surrey, Warwick, Cambridge and Middlesex. Widespread in continental
flavipennis Hendel, 1920 [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
1c > Leaf-miner: An
initially linear mine, which at second instar develops into a large
whitish blotch with conspicuous black frass. The early linear mine
is frequently entirely enveloped by the blotch but is detectable
by the alternate irregular strips of frass. Pupation external (Spencer,
1976: 158).
first part of the mine consists of a long, slender upper-surface
corridor. After the first moult this changes into a large primary
blotch without feeding lines. Frass in the corridor in short, somewhat
angular thread fragments, towards the end even in grains. Frass
arranged less closely along the sides than in A.
lamii. Pupation outside the mine.
The frass is conspicuous in the mine and the mine is initially linear, then develops into a white blotch, often enveloping this early mine. |
On Ajuga, Ballota, Lamium, Marrubium and Stachys, but not yet on Lamiastrum, in
Britain and additional Lamiaceae elsewhere. In southern England
and continental Europe.
morionella (Zetterstedt, 1848) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
1d > Leaf-miner: A
linear-blotch mine, first instar mine is linear, later developing
into a conspicuous white blotch. Frass greenish diffused (Spencer, 1972b: 46, 47 (fig. 138); Spencer,
1976: 166).
mine begins with a long, upper-surface, slender corridor. After
a moult the larva changes its behaviour, and makes a large, upper-surface
primary blotch without apparent feeding lines. Often the blotch
overruns more or less the initial corridor. Frass in the corridor
liquified to form a wide green band, with a few tiny black granules
along the sides. Pupation outside the mine.
A narrow gallery leading to a largish blotch on the upper surface. Frass is green and indistinct in the gallery - small grains may be seen at the gallery edge. |

Amauromyza labiatarum puparium
Image: © Willem Ellis (Bladmineerders van Europa) |
numerous genera of Lamiaceae, including Lamiastrum, in Britain and elsewhere. Widespread
and locally common in south of England. Also recorded in the Republic
of Ireland and widespread and frequently common in continental Europe.
labiatarum (Hendel, 1920) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
1e > Leaf-miner: Initially
a long, slim corridor, the frass alternating on either the side
of the corridor. After moulting, the larva broadens the mine and
the frass is less regular. Pupation external. |

of Amauromyza lamii on Stachys sylvatica
Image: © Willem Ellis (Bladmineerders van Europa) |
in Britain unknown. The record on Glechoma from Warwick
(Kingsbury Wood) (Robbins,
1991: 103) is considered unlikely to be correct (Henshaw in Chandler, 1998). On Ajuga,
Ballota, Galeopsis, Glechoma, Lamiastrum, Lamium, Leonurus, Marrubium,
Mellitis, Mentha, Scutellaria and Stachys elsewhere.
Widespread in continental Europe.
lamii (Kaltenbach, 1858) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |
1f > Leaf-miner: Rather long corridor winding through the leaf, regularly crossing
itself. The corridor later widens considerably. Frass normally in
a narrow central line, but may also lie along the side, or be absent.
The larva regularly leaves a mine and restarts elsewhere. |
On Lamiastrum galeobdolon and Lamium album in Britain plus Ajuga reptans, Clinopodium vulgare, Lamium,
Prunella, Stachys, Teucrium, Plantago major, Veronica, chamaedrys
and Veronica longifolia elsewhere. Widespread in England and
continental Europe.
globosa (Illiger, 1794) [Coleoptera:
Chrysomelidae]. |