The leaf and stem mines of British flies and other insects

(Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera)

by Brian Pitkin, Willem Ellis, Colin Plant and Rob Edmunds


CRUCIATA. Crosswort. [Rubiaceae]

One species of Cruciata, C. laevipes, is recorded in Britain.

Only one British miner is recorded on Cruciata.

A key to the European miners recorded on Galium including Cruciata is provided in Bladmineerders van Europa.

Crosswort - Cruciata laevipes. Image: © Linda Pitkin
Cruciata laevipes

Key for the identification of the known mines of British
insects (Diptera and non-Diptera) recorded on Cruciata

1 > Leaf-miner: A narrow linear mine which may largely fill small leaves and produce a secondary blotch (Spencer, 1976: 257).

Long, upper-surface, gradually widening, corridor, in the end often forming a secondary blotch. The corridor regularly crosses itself. Frass in irregular grains or short strings. Pupation outside the mine; exit slit in the lower epidermis.

Forms a narrow upper surface linear mine which may then form a secondary.

On Galium in Britain and additional genera of Lamiaceae elsewhere. Widespread in Britain and continental Europe.

Galiomyza morio (Brischke, 1880) [Diptera: Agromyzidae].

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