pumilus (Klug, 1816) [Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae]
pumila (Klug, 1816) [not 1818]
Fenusa pumila (Klug, 1816)
Tenthredo pumila Klug, 1816 [not 1818]
Tenthredo (Allantus) pumila Klug, 1816 [not 1818]
Metallus pumillus (Klug, 1816) [Unavailable]
Entodecta pumilus (Klug, 1816)
Metallus pumilus (Klug, 1816) [not 1814]
Emphytus pumilio Hartig, 1837
Emphytus (Fenusa) pumilio Hartig, 1837
Entodecta pumilio (Hartig, 1837)
Phaenusa pumilio (Hartig, 1837)
Phoenusa pumilio Hartig, 1837
Entodecta rubi (Boie, 1848)
Fenusa rubi Boie, 1848
Metallus rubi (Boie, 1848)
Phoenusa rubi (Boie, 1848).
miner: No visible egg; it is deposited below the upper epidermis, generally
close to a major vein. Fom there begins a short, quickly widening
corridor that contains much frass, especially in its first part.
The corridor opens into a large, very transparent, almost full depth
blotch that often overruns the initial corridor. Frass in loose
grains, larger as the larva increases in size. The frass is dry,
and in old mines it may accumulate like pepper grains in the lowest
part. Larva solitary, belly-up in the mine (Bladmineerders van Europa).
mine is also illustrated in British
The larvae of sawflies have a head capsule, chewing mouthparts with opposable mandibles, six thoracic legs and abdominal legs (although they may be reduced) (see examples).
The larva has a large prothoracic plate, two further thoracic spots
and one spot on the first abdominal segment (this distinguishes
it from M. albipes - which only has three spots) (British
leafminers). The larva is also illustrated in Bladmineerders van Europa.
The pupae of sawflies have visible head appendages, wings and legs which lie in sheaths.
The adult is illustrated in ECatSym - Electronic World Catalog of Symphyta.
Hosts in Great Britain and Ireland:
of year - larvae: Summer and autumn (British
of year - adults: Currently unknown.
Full synonymy and references are listed in ECatSym - Electronic World Catalog of Symphyta.
See (British Leafminers Newsletter) for a A Guide to the British Metallus species.
in Great Britain and Ireland: Britain including Cumberland
and South Wiltshire (NBN
elsewhere: Widespread in continental Europe including Austria,
Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, French mainland, Germany, Hungary,
Ireland, Italian mainland, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovakia,
Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands and Ukraine (Fauna Europaea).
NBN Atlas links to known host species:
British and Irish Parasitoids in Britain and elsewhere: