? Leaf-miner:
Details unknown.
Larva: The larvae of moths have a head capsule and chewing mouthparts with opposable mandibles (see video of a gracillarid larva feeding), six thoracic legs and abdominal legs (see examples).
Pupa: The pupae of moths have visible head appendages, wings and legs which lie in sheaths (see examples).
The adult is illustrated in UKMoths.
The species is included in mothdissection.co.uk.
Hosts in Great Britain and Ireland:
of year - larvae: Currently unknown.
of year - adults: The adults fly in July and August and are
most often found in garden light-traps (UKMoths).
in Great Britain and Ireland: A species which appears to be
on the increase. It is believed to have been introduced with the
foodplant and first appeared in Essex in 1988. Since then there
have been quite a number of records, mostly from the south-east
of England (UKMoths)
including Bedfordshire, East Suffolk, Leicestershire, South Northumberland and Stafford (NBN
elsewhere: Widespread in continental Europe including Austria,
Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, French mainland,
Germany, Greek mainland, Hungary, Italian mainland, Macedonia, Sicily,
Slovakia, Spanish mainland, Switzerland and Ukraine (Fauna Europaea).
NBN Atlas links to known host species:
British and Irish Parasitoids in Britain and elsewhere: