Leaf-miner: The egg is inserted on the leaf underside, frequently on leaf margin (82% of 135 mines), less often away from the margin; in pest densities, however, more mines appear away from the margin. The oviposition site is recognisable as a reddish dot (the “vesicula incubatoria” of Dziurzyński). The mine starts with a narrow gallery, almost straight along the leaf margin when the egg was laid there, or rather contorted in other cases; the frass line is usually rather narrow. Later mine expanding into a large full depth blotch, in many cases absorbing the earlier gallery completely (in half of the marginal mines); frass often in a clump near the origin of the mine and also scattered around. See Nota Lepidopterologica 41 (1): 39-86
Larva: The larva prepares an oval cut-out of ca 4.5–5.5 mm length, usually at the other edge of the mine, lined with silk, and drops to the ground in this case. The larvae feed with ventral side up, but they start turning around in the blotch when preparing the cut-out. The gallery part of the mine is prepared during the first two instars, the blotch during instar 3 and 4. See Nota Lepidopterologica 41 (1): 39-86
Pupa: The pupae of moths have visible head appendages, wings and legs which lie in sheaths (see examples).
The adult is illustrated in Nota Lepidopterologica 41 (1): 39-86. The species is included in mothdissection.co.uk.
Hosts in Great Britain and Ireland:
of year - larvae: Bivoltine. Larvae of the first generation are found from June to July, a second generation from August until early November; it is possible that generations may overlap
of year - adults: Adults emerge in captivity from April to June (the few earlier records are almost certainly forced breedings), and again from July to late August; the few records of field caught adults agree with this pattern. The adults may swarm around the host during the day, as already was mentioned by Fischer von Röslerstamm (1843) (van Nieukerken et al.). A recent observation of ca. 100 swarming adults on C. mas in the Netherlands can be seen here: https://waarneming.nl/waarneming/view/139225815.
in Great Britain and Ireland: Surrey up to Cambridge (David Lees)
elsewhere: Widespread in central and southern Europe, in the natural range of C. mas, and north and west of it occurring on the frequently planted trees. Positively recorded on basis of adult or larval characters, or hostplant: England, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, Czech republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Bulgaria, and Ukraine. We record it here from Albania, one specimen on BOLD, GRPAL724–11, agreeing in DNA barcode (Table 1), and from Serbia and Greece on the basis of mines in herbarium specimens (see below). For Greece, there was only a previous record of A. treitschkiella by Staudinger for which the identity cannot be confirmed (Gozmány 2012). Antispila treitschkiella has recently been expanding northwards and westwards with the widely planted trees in parks and gardens (see below). Not yet recorded from the Iberian Peninsula. Many records require verification because of confusion with A. petryi (van Nieukerken et al. )
The natural distribution of C. mas is much more restricted than that of C. sanguinea, its NW border being from SE Belgium to NW France, away from the coast, covering large parts of France, whereas it is scarce in isolated regions in Germany, West and South Switzerland, Austria north and east of the Alps, large parts of Italy and the whole of Southeast Europe south of southern and western Czechia, Slovakia, and southern parts of the Ukraine; also coastal areas of Turkey, Caucasus region and Black Sea coast of Russia and Crimea, just reaching Azerbaijan and North Iran. Cornus mas is absent from the Mediterranean islands and the Iberian Peninsula, except for a very small area in the Catalonian Pyrenees (Da Ronch et al. 2016) (van Nieukerken et al. )
NBN Atlas links to known host species:
British and Irish Parasitoids in Britain and elsewhere: See van Nieukerken et al.
Eulophidae |
Chrysocharis budensis (Erdős, 1954) |
HU: Budapest, Budakeszi, leg. Szőcs |
[interpreted as C. mas, since Szőcs recognised both Antispila spp.] |
A. treitschkeella |
Erdős 1954; 1956; Szőcs 1959 |
Chrysocharis budensis (Erdős, 1954) |
PL: Woj. Poznan |
Not given |
A. stachjanella |
Hansson 1985 |
Cirrospilus diallus Walker, 1838 |
CZ: Koda near Beroun, 3.1954 |
C. mas |
A. sp |
Bouček 1959 |
Cirrospilus viticola (Rondani, 1877) [as subviolaceus Thomson] |
CZ: Koda near Beroun, 3.1954 |
C. mas |
“a leafminer” [interpreted as treitschkiella] |
Bouček 1959 |
Cirrospilus vittatus Walker, 1838 |
CZ |
C. mas |
A. sp |
Bouček 1959 |
Derostenus gemmeus (Westwood, 1833) |
HU: Normafa, 14.vii.1954 |
[interpreted as C. mas, since Szőcs recognised both Antispila spp.] |
A. treitschkeella |
Erdős 1956 |
Minotetrastichus frontalis (Nees, 1834) |
UK, SE London, Kelsey Park, x.2016 |
C. mas |
A. treitschkiella |
DCL reared |
Minotetrastichus frontalis (Nees, 1834) |
UK: London, Victoria Embankment, 30.vi.2017 |
C. mas |
A. treitschkiella |
DC |